i love my teaml love reading posts on Facebook group team pages. This method of communication is an integral part of the CALENDAR GIRLS team communication strategy and it’s one of the key ingredients to building that important team spirit.

Here’s a recent post by a team member, “Today I had the biggest party so far. I had 15 guests. I really studied the party sequence information from my leader before the party and I really felt like my party flowed. I got one booking and met some amazing ladies. My hostess earned $130 in free product and I was so happy for her. #feelinginspired “

 This post got 15 “likes” from the team and responses like, “Great job, I’m so happy for you.” and “Gosh, You reminded me to study those party notes too.”

This is one area of the CALENDAR GIRLS strong communication strategy that helps team members support each other.  Another integral area of the CG system is using a weekly team newsletter. The templates and simple layout for this consistent newsletter gets the team excited to receive this communication. I encourage everyone to send it out on Monday as it’s the start of the week and the best time to get the team organized in keeping their bookings consistent.

Each week team members are anxious to see their names in print, and they LOVE to read how others are doing on the team.  One of the most effective messages is the recognition section. In this section there is lots of room for each leader to create her own style of recognition in praising team members. Here’s a recent example from one of my L.E.A.P. Group Coaching Leaders.

“It’s SHOUT-OUT TIME! I gotta give a shout-out to three Calendar Girls who have seen some pretty amazing success over the past week. Kim had her second party this month and was able to turn a non-qualifying party into an “over” qualifying party. She used determination and follow-through and is very close to hitting fast start rewards with another party scheduled for the end of the month. Congratulations, Kim! You are a rocking like a hurricane!

Marilyn had her first “re-start” party this week and followed our training steps. She not only wowed her guests with an amazing party experience, she got 2 bookings and over $600 in sales! Marilyn, you inspire me my dear! Your love for our products makes my heart skip a beat! Congratulations to you!”

Karen held her open house today and she was able to bless 3 amazing ladies with the products she loves! Karen’s goal is to pay her monthly commitments but, Karen, you are doing so much more than that, my friend! You are giving people serious solutions for their health. Karen has 4 others who will add orders to this party. Woo Hoo, Karen, congratulations, my friend, you are doing great things!”

I have let you step into this leader’s style. It’s this type of style of communication that builds that great team spirit. You can feel the team spirit in the words she uses and from the people on her team. It’s a team that heartily supports one another, and truly enjoys the authentic friendships and relationships.

Team spirit begins with the leader and having a system to follow like the CALENDAR GIRLS 2015-Calendar-girls-workbook-no-backgroundTeam Booking system allows the leader to nurture and grow strong leadership skills working with her team.

I find so many leaders get bogged down with overwhelm and don’t have a team communication strategy. They are sporadic in connecting with team members. The most common problem I hear is that team members don’t respond to them.   In the CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system, we work on a consistent strategy that makes team members feel like they “belong” to a group that cares for each other and wants the best for each other. And at the same time it helps the leader create a great balance in working team business and personal business.

I have shared only two areas of this communication strategy. There are many more that helps a leader and team engage and become a dynamic, winning team. And what I love most, it’s these ingredients that “attracts” others to join this special team. Margaret Mead said it best in her famous quote,

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it’s margaret mead quotethe only thing that ever has.”

People “love” to belong to a group of people that inspire each other, and this is what creates that marvelous team spirit. And it’s this team spirit that is the true essence of growing million dollar teams.

Team spirit is the magic you weave working the CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system. How is the team spirit on your team? Email me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com  for a 30 minute complimentary coaching call to evaluate your team spirit.