Serving tasteful food“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” -Albert Schweitzer

Do you wake up in the morning and ask yourself, “Who can I serve today in my biz?” It’s a philosophy I adopted in my business after a coaching session with my own coach. I was totally focused on growing my business at a very fast pace. My coach reminded me that “fast” doesn’t always mean “success” or more importantly, “money in the bank.” She said something that I learned to apply every day in my business, “serve people and share value.” I realized I was going so fast, I wasn’t spending the time or paying attention to sharing value with my customers and hostesses.

This advice changed my world. I got focused on my purpose and skills and would ask myself that question before every party, before every networking event, before every phone call or email. “Who can I serve and give value to today?”

I focused on giving value, which meant I wasn’t expecting anything in return. I worked with each customer in sharing the value of my products. I want each woman to look good and more importantly feel good wearing my fashions. I poured my efforts into making sure every hostess felt like she had the best party possible. I called it the WOW party experience. I wanted people to say, “Wow, that was a great party.. I had so much fun and learned a lot about fashion.”

When my team started to grow very fast, I set up a communication system so nobody fell through the cracks. My biggest value was a daily HOTLINE for my consultants who checked in for a business tip every day by dialing an 800 number. This value paid off in spades as the team grew over 500 across the country.

What I realized from focusing on serving people and adding value, my business grew at that fast pace I wanted it to.  I kept getting consistent bookings. Every month I recruited personally and added members to my team.  In fact, I had the highest # of personal recruits in my company, and that’s when our team exploded and we went to the million-dollar level. I can actually tell you the exact months it happened.

I LOVED helping people feel good and look good.  After all, wasn’t the very reason I got into this business? And so that is the same reason today in my coaching business. My role is to serve people with teambuilding coaching programs, high level systems and strategies to help them grow million dollar teams so they can make a difference for others.

On a coaching call today, I asked a client, “What do you really want?”  She said she wanted to get her products in the hands of as many people as possible so they could live a healthy lifestyle.  She is focused on giving value to everyone sharing the products she knows can help people improve their health.

So, how can I serve you today?

Can I serve you with my very affordable L.E.A.P. group coaching program? Join a group of LEAP Group coaching programincredibly dedicated and authentic leaders who are committed to serving others. Their goal is  to LEARN, EARN, TAKE ACTION AND PERSIST in serving their customers, hostesses and team members to grow a million dollar team and six figure income business.

Get all the LEAP GROUP COACHING PROGRAM details here.   My goal is to share with you systems, templates and high level strategies that helped me grow to the top of my company.  I hold nothing back because I want you to succeed.  My goal is to serve you with TONS of value in this program.

Or, send me an email at and let me ask you “How can I serve you today?” in person in a 30 minute complimentary coaching. We’ll schedule it in on our calendars.

“Who will you serve in your direct sales business today?” Will you serve a customer, a hostess, a prospect, a team member?   Leave a comment.