I am calling March MOMENTUM MONTH! It’s a 5-week – 31 day – 5 Tuesday- kind of month which gives you lots more time to have higher party sales and when you hold more parties, guess what happens?

You get confident, you get skilled and you step up in your business to make more money, get more bookings and identify those next team members. Maybe that’s why they call it MARCH MADNESS, but whatever you want to call it get ready to make MARCH a momentum month for you. Here are my 10 quick tips to help you build momentum increasing sales at your parties.

#1 Study ALL your product benefits, facts and solutions.   Study these products backwards and forwards and become known as that go-to person who

  • can help you eat healthy,
  • cook healthy
  • dress fashionably
  • clean your house chemically free
  • organize your home
  • look fabulous
  • sparkle more

Everything your product says it will do, you want the guests to be so excited about your products they will want everything, and with this expertise, you’ll have a high order ratio than before.

#2 Work with your hostess to maximize her free product. Remember what’s in it for her and make sure you work at getting everything on her wish list for free!

#3 Ask every hostess to gather $300 in outside orders. Share a script for her to use so she knows what to say when inviting her guests and people can’t attend. You will find she easily gathers orders especially when you remind her it adds to her party sales.

#4 Send a postcard to every guest (in the snail mail). That says, “Looking forward to meeting you at Suzie’s party on Friday at 7pm . Bring this postcard to be in the drawing to get a FREE (great gift).   This doubles the chances of getting great attendance at your in-home parties.

#5 Create a private event for your in-home parties (as well as Facebook parties) on facebook. Share a few exciting pre-posts before the party and do a LIVE video introducing themselves sharing the FUN they will have at the party with their friends. Create a point system game for those who attend your Facebook party LIVE.

#6 On arrival at the party do three things,

  • Set up a separate check-out area away from the demonstration area with two chairs only.
  • Greet guests at the door as they arrive.
  • Remember their name and get to know a little about them before the party begins.

 #7 Open your party with a question.   Ask guests to share something about your products, how they organize, their skin type, their fashion style, their favorite food, etc. As you hear each guest share make a mental note to highlight their favorite and they will be sure to buy.  The more you get to know about your guests the higher your sales will become.


#8 During your demonstration use the word VALUE. Share the value of selling a bundle, a 3-piece outfit, a set of three worth around $100. Talk about how much they will save in ordering this valuable bundle. Learn to say the word VALUE many times and be prepared to sell SIX sets or bundles at every party. ($600)

#9 Work your Wish list. Spend time guiding your guests how to write their favorite products down in their wish lists. This is important that you keep mentioning throughout the party. e.g. ask a question, “Everyone, who has written down this product on their wish-list?”


#10 Offer a Concierge Check-out. Guide guests to check-out at your private area, and be prepared to give them your best check-out service. Work with her wish list in ordering everything or ordering what she can afford and getting the rest for free booking a party. Offer this as a “phone” service in your Facebook parties and build the sale (on the phone) with each guest.

These are 10 quick tips. I could go on and on, but the point here is to make sure you give everyone who attends your parties a very WOW memorable experience.

This is our focus in our L.E.A.P. Mastermind program. My L.E.A.P. Mastermind members are taking on their “OWN” MISSION IN MARCH!   How about you? Would you like to be on a mission to

  • Hit your highest sales goal?
  • Recruit the # of new biz builders on your team?
  • Get confident in having a full calendar of bookings?
  • Have $1000 parties every time?
  • Promote up to the next level in your comp plan?
  • Promote out a new leader?

Here is what Kim Merritt says about L.E.A.P.  Check out LEAP here

Which one of the 10 tips above will you focus on in March?  Share in a comment below.