The two things I credit having the most impact on improving my mindset to stay focused on growing a million-dollar team were,
- Hiring a Coach, and
- Reading and learning from books.
5 books I recommend in 2020. I refer to these books over and over coaching leaders in direct sales around the world. Our job in Direct sales is to help others be successful! Most importantly, If you’re ready to have a positive impact on helping others be successful, then pour yourself into reading these 5 books. You will find your relationships will improve, your customers will love you, your hostesses will want to book again and your team will be motivated and love being part of your team culture.
JK Rowling says, “I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book!” Whether it’s a Harry Potter book or a book about improving your mindset, you will recognize that magic in one of these 5 top books, I’ve chosen to share with you today.
These 5 top picks will improve your mindset and spiral you upward in 2020!
#1 Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, Phd. The power in reading this book is learning how to see the potential in your team members! Knowing whether they have a “fixed” mindset or a “Growth mindset.” She shows us how mindset are just beliefs. They are powerful beliefs, but they are just something in our mind, and we can change our mind. Carol Dweck says, “Individuals who have a growth mindset, have a special talent for identifying their own strength & weaknesses.” When we see potential in our team members and share their strengths and how to overcome their challenges, we are leading with empathy and strength at the same time. I strongly recommend EVERYONE read this book. It will help you realize the potential that lies within you to transform your whole business.
#2 The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz, PhD. This book has been around for a long while, but it’s one I re-read every year! In the beginning of this book there is a long list of “WHAT THIS BOOK WILL DO FOR YOU.” Three stand out for me.
- Get big results by believing big. He says, “the size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.” In the Journey to Leadership program we work a lot on the 5 Beliefs you have to strengthen to be successful in direct sales.
- Plan a concrete Success Building program. David talks about self-administered training. He says there is no-one standing over your shoulder
telling you what to do and how to do it. Only YOU can apply the training to plan a concrete success building program. This is the essence of what we do as direct sales entrepreneurs.
- Learn 5 positive steps to build confidence and destroy fear. Confidence is THE TOP area I work with my coaching clients. His 5 positive steps in this book are my model for guiding my coaching clients.
Read this book in 2020 and it will challenge you to THINK BIG!
#3 This is Marketing by Seth Godin. I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin. I read his book, “Purple Cow” when I became a new leader and it was essential in helping me grow my team. In “This is Marketing” Seth says, Marketing is the generous act of helping others become who they seek to become. It involves creating honest stories that resonate and spread. You offer solutions, opportunities for people to move forward.”
After reading this book, I created a customer Planner hub for my 2020 Direct Sales Planner. I just didn’t want to sell a planner and have people try to figure it out by themselves. I wanted to help them use the planner every month to get the MOST out of planning a successful business.
It’s so exciting to keep in touch every month with my PLANNER people.
#4 She Means Business, by Carrie GreenThe tag line in this book says, “Turn your ideas into reality and become a wildly successful entrepreneur.” Carrie is a successful business woman who had an idea about starting a monthly membership program. I got into her program in the beginning at a low price and have watched her grow that membership to over 30,000 people! I LOVE her book. It’s REAL about growing a business ONLINE!! Something, as direct sellers, we are looking to do. Don’t miss reading this book in 2020 and if you join her membership you’ll be overjoyed.
#5 The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. I held off buying this book for too long. I kept thinking, “I already know that.” And if you know me, this is a saying I tell my clients,
“If you are actually taking action on what you already know then you do know it, but if you’re not doing it, then you don’t really know it!”
This is an exceptional book because it is about TAKING ACTION! By using this 5-second rule concept,, you will reprogram your mind, you will teach yourself new behavior patterns, you will find the confidence to achieve your goals. Read this book as soon as you can to think BIG IN YOUR MINDSET in 2020!
I wanted to add so many more books to this list, but this blog would have been way too long.
Reading is a GIFT!
A gift we give ourselves and we can give ourselves this gift every day of the year in 2020 and EACH ONE WILL HELP US IMPROVE OUR MINDSET . When you improve your mindset the MAGIC RIPPLE happens. You are confident, you are inspiring, but most of all you TAKE ACTION in your business. You have the ability to help others be successful. People on your team who
- Earn the money to put their kids in private school.
- Get to be home with their kids because they choose their own work hours.
- Earn extra income to pays for things they couldn’t afford otherwise.
- Developed self-confidence learning new skills to improve their mindset
If you’re ready to IMPROVE YOUR MINDSET, then join us in the Journey to Leadership coaching program today!
Complete this application here!