Goal Setting in 5 Steps

Setting a goal is essential to achieving success in your Direct Sales Business.  I hear from many coaching clients who say,

  • “I set goals but I get distracted and lose my focus.”
  • “I can’t seem to get beyond setting the goal because I lack motivation.”
  • “I struggle with prioritizing steps to achieve my goal.”

Or I even hear the words…

  • “I hate setting goals because I never achieve them.”

Setting goals is all about understanding you want something, and you want it by a certain deadline.  It’s about planning a destination and setting a path to get there.  You can get there by walking, sprinting, maybe falling back, but being purposeful in staying the course.

I have a 5-step approach to setting goals with my coaching clients.

High Achievers Goal Setting#1  We set the goal!  Sometimes this is the hardest part.  Some say, I want to be the top leader in the company.  Others say, I want to be “A Leader.”  It’s important to think strategically and that’s why we lay out a success path.  You may want to become a leader for the first time, or even a top leader, but there are techniques and STEPS on the way to achieve each one.   So, we sit down and lay out your SUCCESS PATH.  We create the first goal or goals on the way to the ultimate goal.  This takes the frustration out of getting distracted and losing focus.

#2  We make a plan to achieve it.   This is all about understanding exactly how to move through the steps to achieve your goal.   We sit down and figure out the “how” to achieve your goal.  This includes some of my proven strategies and systems that helped me grow my million-dollar team. A plan gives you a specific visual of how you’ll approach this goal and when you know the “how” you now have clarity.

#3  You commit to making it happen.   Committing to the goal is a decision!  It’s that moment you remember when you achieve the goal.  Many people struggle with no focus, no motivation and think there’s a quick and easy way to get there, but you can’t truly be successful until you make a total commitment.  If I don’t have this commitment with my coaching client (you), then we are not going to achieve success.  It can’t be a half-hearted commitment, and by the time we are ready to work together, I know you’ve made an investment in you and you are totally committed.  When people make a commitment, it changes their life.

#4  You take massive action.   This quote by Tony Robbins is one of my most favorite quotes.   It’s not about just taking massive action, it’s about taking massive DETERMINED action.  When laying out the goal plan, we actually write out the TOP 10 activities that will get you to your goal.  And this is the guideline you follow every day to insure you are taking this determined action.  Sometimes, you will notice things are slowing down.  Then we go back to the basics of those top 10 activities that are the engine to get you revved up in achieving the goal.

#5  You stay accountable to me!  Have you heard of Marco Polo?  It’s an APP where two people leave video messages for each other.  It’s been extremely beneficial in my coaching practice.  In this day and age of texting, instant messaging and email, we lose that “feeling” approach in truly knowing the messages we want to convey to one another.  When two people chat with one another and we hear their words and actually SEE how they convey them, the messages we speak to each other are truly delivered from the heart!

Marco Polo is an essential part of my accountability program.  Most of my clients love to check-in and I give them three questions to answer every week.   It’s the answers to these questions that help them

  • Have total focus on their goal
  • Get over the struggle of knowing what to do next
  • Prioritize their action

They love taking action along the path because they know they are on track.  They love having an accountability partner to share their feelings of accomplishments and challenges.

Goal setters know it takes work to achieve success!  Most of all they know the importance of staying accountable. As you work these 5 steps, you’ll begin to build momentum!  That’s when everything changes!


What is your NEXT GOAL?

What frustrations are you having to stay on track?

How will you stay accountable?

If you truly want to grow your Direct Sales Business, setting goals is ESSENTIAL to your success.

If these 5 essential steps resonate with you,  then there are a number of ways to engage in the Mymentorbiz community.

Come share your thoughts on my Facebook Page, or consider joining my FREE 90-day goal challenge Facebook group. 

One Goal at a Time





Or better yet, email me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com and set up a 30 minute complimentary goal setting coaching session!

I can’t wait to help you set YOUR GOAL!