What is a VIP Facebook group? For Direct Sellers, this is a private group on Facebook where you have the opportunity to serve! Serve your customers with specials, giveaways, new releases and build a community of people who love to hang out with you and your friends.
Your customer VIP group is a place to get to know your customers, serve them with value and cultivate deeper and stronger relationships. Think of this group as building a family of people you love to hang out with.
Many of my coaching clients have VIP Facebook groups for their customers, but many find it hard to keep their customers engaged.
There is ONE THING you “must” do in your VIP Facebook group to make it successful!
Consistently share content, engage with your customers, and make them feel like they are part of a group of people who learn from each other, care for each other and all directed by YOU!
There are many ways to communicate and build connections in your VIP Group. Here are a few goals you might want to think about when you posting in your group.
- Educate them about your products and how they make them feel.
- Entertain them with fun things about life and being a direct seller.
- Serve them with value so they stay engaged and love belonging to your group.
- Encourage them to participate and connect with others.
- Spoil them as often as you can with your specials.

All of these goals add up to you getting more sales, more bookings and finding people who want to join you in your business.
Here are my 5 top ideas I suggest for my coaching clients to get their VIP Customer group engaged and cultivate community.
#1 Education posts about your products. Your customers are using your products. They haven’t bought from a big store, but bought from YOU! They love to hear how to use your products from YOU!
- This is where you take the snippets of your party demonstration and post the details of the solutions your products offer. Use stories from your parties about people’s desire to have your products so they will experience that solutions.
- Hold weekly mini workshops about your products. Create an event and invite people to hear more about the products. Make them entertaining so people won’t want to miss them.
- Share a selfie with your favorite products – why you love it and how it makes your life easier or better.
#2 Go Live every week! Video is the one tweak that will endear your community to you. When they see your face and hear your voice about how much you care about them and share your passion for your business, they are truly getting to know the real you!
- Live Demo’s about your products. They love to see you using the products.
- A how-to video about the benefits of your products one video at a time.
- Your personal story of how you got started. People love stories about you.
- Behind the scenes – how you prepare for your parties you put in a hostess packet. How you set up coffee chat conversations.
- A view of your day as a direct seller, how you work it around your family. This helps you look real.
- Tell a story – of unusual things that happen in your business, things that would entertain them and encourage them to comment and get to know you
#3 Offer Weekly specials. This is where you’re actually selling them. But you can also spoil them because they are part of this group.
- Offer a weekly special! However, make your offer predicated on their next order. So you might say your weekly special is A free product on a $100 order. They will get this special when they place their $100 order.
- Do a giveaway in a drawing. One special product you can afford to giveaway and ask them to comment on a post and everyone who comments goes in a drawing for the free product.
- Ask questions. “What product would you like to see in my next video?”
- Do a Birthday special. Everyone born in that month gets a percentage off their order.
- Offer a sample/or discount for referrals. Especially if they invite them into the VIP Group.
- Offer new releases FIRST in this group. Especially if they are products which will sell out.
- Post a pic of where you’re working from and how you’re using your product.
#4 Entertain them with quizzes, polls, quotes & affirmations. People are curious and quizzes, polls and questions inspire them to comment and like posts.
- Do polls about products. Find out their favorites.
- Post a 3-sentence graphic quiz and give a drawing prize for all the comments.
- Post quotes often. People love quotes and talk about how the quote affects you.
- Post affirmations. Show them how you use affirmations in your business.
- Do a Fill in the Blank. (My favorite meal to order in a restaurant is ______)
- Give them choices, like. Pick your fave – A, B, C, D
- Talk about self care!
- What they’re reading.
- How they feeling today – respond with a GIF.
#5 Recognize Best Customers and Hostesses often. When you highlight people it makes them feel special.
- Highlight your hostess. Show people how great she was & what free products she received.
- Do a video series about what happens at your parties. They get a glimpse of being a hostess.
- Recognize a customer of the week! Highlight what you love about your customer.
There are so many ideas to post to get to know your community. Building deeper relationships with your group members is essential to a successful Customer VIP group.
I believe you always get better engagement with your own posts. However, your company or upline may also share posts. Sprinkle these in with your own posts.
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Be systematic about posting in your VIP Customer Group. Start being consistent with these ideas. Be intentional about getting to know your customers on a deeper level and start with these ideas!
If you looking for more ideas come on over to my own FREE Facebook community where we focus on achieving goals one goal at a time.
Need more help?
Take my assessment in Finding the Gap in your business here!