The time is now, Direct Sellers, to read!
2020 has been quite a year and it’s only March.
Many things are changing, but one thing that never changes for me is my reading habits. My goal is to read at least ONE NOVEL and ONE NON-FICTION book every month.
Reading 10 pages of non-fiction every morning is party of my morning ritual. Then, in the evening as I’m falling asleep to some spy escaping from a hairy situation, I’ve enjoyed a fantastic story.
I’m old fashioned. I’ve tried the kindle, I’ve tried audio but nothing is more delicious to me than holding a GOOD book in my hands and turning pages one by one. How about you?
My coaching clients love it when I recommend a specific book for the to read. They know how important it is to growing their business. When leaders are reading, they are opening themselves up to new ideas and new ways to helping others be successful which is our mantra in direct sales.
This quote by Michael Hyatt, says it all. Great leaders are readers.
So, drum roll…. Here are my Top 5 Books I’m recommending for Direct Sellers to read NOW!
- The MAGIC, by Rhonda Byrne.
This book was recommended to me by a dear friend in my mastermind group. If you aren’t part of a mastermind group, I highly recommend you find one. I have been masterminding with this group for 5 years and we are all so in tune with each other’s businesses. The Magic is a journey of gratitude. Rhonda Burn, is the author who brought you, The Secret, and she takes you through 28 days of gratitude exercises that can change your life. With so much going on in the world in 2020, we all have to be grateful for what we DO have! If you read this book, then join my Facebook community where we are focusing on this challenge for 28 days.
- “Mindset” The New Psychology of success by Carol S. Dweck, Phd. I recommended reading this book back in 2018 and I still feel it is one of the most important books for all direct sellers to have in their tool box. Mindset is the number one reason why people don’t succeed in asking for bookings, having successful parties and team building. This book teaches you about having a growth mindset as opposed to having a fixed mindset. Carol S. Dweck teaches you to have the ability to develop your mindset for success. People with a growth mindset love a challenge, believe in effort, are resilient and strive for success. If this sounds like you, read it!
- The Culture Code, by Daniel Coyle. One of my mentors recently shared with me that now in March 2020 with the coronavirus pandemic, we have to be prepared to make a difference and build community. She said the people who stand out now will be those who move up to leadership. We have a strategy for leadership in our direct sales business model and the best thing to do right now is to increase your leadership skills. Daniel Coyle brings community together with this book. He helps you understand how successful groups work and is one of the best team building books I’ve read. My notes from this book are extensive… He shows you how important it is to create a sense of belonging in your team with love and understanding, He helps you foster your creativity in leading your team. Don’t miss reading this one, if you’re ready to move up the leadership ladder in 2020.
- Fanocracy by David Meerman Scott and Reiko Scott. I read David’s first book “The New Rules of Marketing & P.R.” about 5 years ago and it was so helpful as technology was beginning to burst open and as we know the last five years has been a technology explosion. So, I trusted my gut on this one and love it. He and his lovely daughter, bring two different perspectives, but it’s the same message to foster meaningful connections with people leads to success in our business.
- Grit by Angela Duckworth. I think this is my favorite book so far this year.
Grit is the power of passion and perseverance and her story in the beginning of the book about the admission process for West Point Military academy and how they have to go through a seven-week training program called the “Beast.” This story captures your attention because it’s not the smartest, the strongest, the most talented who make it through The Beast, it’s those who persist, who have the fortitude to stay the course and of course that’s having GRIT! She says, our potential is one thing but what we do is quite another, and she emphasizes consistency over the long run is everything. I can’t recommend more emphatically to read this book right now, to prepare yourself for the comeback after Coronavirus. Stay the course, be consistent and lead with “Grit.”
I wanted to add so many more books to this list, but this blog would have been way too long. Reading is a GIFT! A gift we give ourselves and we can give ourselves this gift every day of the year!
Come and read with us in my Facebook community and stay focused on achieving your goals. CLICK HERE TO JOIN