Team Building Books

Two secrets to building my million-dollar team were

(1) Hiring my coach and

(2) Working on my personal development learning from books about team building.

Today, I’m sharing my 5 top books that I use as a resource when coaching my clients on team building in Direct Sales.

One of Harry Truman’s famous quotes is “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”   So, if you want to inspire your team to take action and have a positive impact on helping them be successful, pour your personal development into reading about team building.  Reading expands our perspective, ignites ideas and builds strong communication skills that improves your relationships with team members.

Reading and working on “your” personal development will enhance your team building skills and motivate your team who will  love being part of your culture.

Here are my 5 top picks to help you grow and grow your team.

 #1  Build it Big.  101 Insider Secrets from Direct Selling Experts. 

This is an oldie but goodie and has a TON of information to help you create TEAM TRAINING.  Each article has a 3-point exercise to help you lay out a teaching point in selling, booking and recruiting.  One of my favorites is Sue Rusch’s “Restore your Business with Bookings.”  I work with my coaching clients today in using the exercise on how to make 100 calls to get your calendar full of bookings.  In fact, just last month one of my coaching clients used this exercise to fill up her calendar.
You can catch more details on this book on my you tube channel here…

Team Building Tips

#2  The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork by John C. Maxwell. 

This book was the catalyst in having the most NATIONAL INCENTIVE winners in the company.  Our National Incentive, like a trip incentive, was to sell $16,000 and recruit 3 people in a 6-month timeline.  Using this book, I formed focus groups of 7-10 people.  Each meeting, we reviewed the laws and how they applied to staying focused and on track to earn the incentive. This group learned from each other in staying on target and were all winners!  It was a very powerful team building tool.   When you have many team members earning high company incentives you have team members moving up to all levels of leadership.
Team Building Mindset

#3 Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, Phd. 

After reading this book I realized the power of seeing potential in team members is working with their mindset.   Carol Dweck says, “Individuals who have a growth mindset, have a special talent for identifying their own strength & weaknesses.”  As Leaders, we see potential in our team members, but helping them see that potential too is the mark of a great leader.  I strongly recommend ALL leaders read this book.


#4 The One Thing, by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan. 

In today’s crazy world of social media, your team members are always looking for ways to overcome stress, get out of overwhelm and manage their time.  I recommend this book to each one of my coaching clients.   It teaches them to keep on track with their goals, know what to focus on  in the moment, keep their energy pumped and achieve the results they want.  In this book it shows you how to do this by asking yourself this focused question every day, “What is the ONE thing I can do today that by doing it everything else will be easier.”  To help you keep your team productive, holding parties and sharing their business opportunity consistently, you will find this book gives you many ideas to help your team be more productive.

#5 The Miracle Morning By Hal Elrod. 

How can this book help you build and grow your team?  Well, I recommend you start a movement in your team.  It’s called the SELF-CARE MOVEMENT!  I realized I didn’t start doing these things until my kids were in High school and I wished I’d done it earlier.    Self-care is so important for your team members wellbeing and when you share ways to help them take care of THEM, you are a leader who shows love to your team members.

Get your team members finding time to do the six S.A.V.E.R.S.  in this book.

  • Silence – meditate, pray or be silent
  • Affirmations – read them out loud
  • Visualization – get a clear picture on what you want for the day.
  • Exercise – walk, run, swim, jog in place for 5 minutes.
  • Read – just 10 pages a day and you’ll finish so many books
  • Scribing – write in a journal about your feelings.

I love that he says CUSTOMIZE this to your life!   He even shows you how to do these 6 Savers in 6 minutes – yes, a minute for each one!

I recommend you create a reading list!  Begin with these 5.  Spend 15 minutes a day or read 10 pages a day and improve your skills to become a better leader.  Read with purpose, look for the nuggets that will help you improve your relationships with team members and thus, inspire them to be more!

Leaders who read and focus on personal development are those who experience success at every level.

QUESTION: What training does your team need right now? I’ll help you in the comments below. I’m a coach for Direct Sales Leaders. We work on systems and strategies to help you grow YOUR success TEAM. If you’re ready to coach, drop me an email at