One of the strongest traits I see in top recruiters is knowing how to recognize prospects. Take a look at this picture.
How do I discover if she is looking for my great opportunity?
I take steps to get to know her and ask questions. I have to be curious and become a detective. A detective asks questions, gathers information and solves crimes. These are important traits to becoming a top recruiter.
Asking questions is having a curious mind.
My mother used to say to me as a child, “Curiosity killed the cat,” and I would answer her, “Information brought her back.” I had a very curious mind as a child, and I still do. I’m extremely interested in people, and I love to discover their story.
If I want to know about this woman’s life, her work, her family, her hobbies, her dreams, I have to ask questions! I have to become a detective to find out if she is someone who is looking for an opportunity that will make a difference in her life.
Top Recruiters know how to recognize prospects. They work on gathering information about people! Just like a detective, with information they have the evidence to know if a person is the right fit for the business.
I learned to develop this skill when I moved to Denver, Colorado, a city of three million people and didn’t know ONE person! I learned the art of asking questions and gathering information about people. At every networking and even social events when I met someone I put on my “detective” hat and asked questions.
What I realized, when you meet someone for the first time and you ask questions about THEM, they become extremely interested in YOU! Using these detective skills, was the first step to becoming a top recruiter in my company.
TOP RECRUITER HABITS Let’s review the 7 Habits to become a top recruiter using my detective’s intuition.
Be the FIRST!! Be the first to introduce yourself! Make eye contact (eye contact is real contact.) Smile and point your heart at their heart, and be the FIRST to shake hands and introduce yourself.
- Be present and in the moment when meeting people for the first time! Give them your FULL attention. Don’t let your eyes wander around the room. Show them you are solely interested in getting to know them. Be genuine and friendly.
- Ask questions about THEM! Don’t share your information right away. Remember, you are a detective. You want to find out as much about this person as possible. Their story, who they are, where they work, what brought them to the event or party? Asking questions will give you the answer if she’s a candidate for your business. A first question might be..
“It’s great to meet you Suzie. Tell me about your business, or where do you work? “
Ask questions about her home, her family, her hobbies, her lifestyle!
- Keep asking layering questions. Layering questions help you discover more information. Questions like
- Tell me more about that.
- Can you explain a little bit more about your business.
- Suzie, I know you are a busy mom of 3 kids – what else?
Detectives know how to get more information by asking layering questions.
- Use Heart- Centered listening skills. You’re looking for the reason you’re opportunity would work for them. When you focus on the first four steps
you are establishing yourself as a listener. And when you listen you’ll “hear” if this person is truly looking for an opportunity that can change their life. Heart-centered listening is being present with someone, having eye contact, asking questions, developing a true relationship and truly listening. Detectives have a keen sense of listening to gather their evidence.
- Drop a Big Fat Recruiting Seed. This happens when this person who is now so interested in you (because you have been asking questions and focusing on them), they will suddenly say, “And what about you, what do you do?”
Now, it’s time for you to drop a lovely seed that will make THEM curious to know more about you. There are THREE areas you want to cover without ranting on about your business.
- Why you joined
- Why you loved your business
- The impact it’s made on your life and your family
When you answer with these three facts, people become even more interested and usually start asking YOU questions. And the conversation gets extremely fascinating and pretty soon, you’ll know if this person is truly a hot prospect for your business.
- Take them to the next step. Now, it’s time to take them to the next step which is simply an INVITATION! The next step is to build a strong relationship with this person. Like a detective, you have discovered the reason you think this person would be interested in your opportunity. So how can you further the relationship? How can you connect with them
again? I found the BEST way was to offer a “Private Fitting Appointment.” If that didn’t work, I’d invite them to our next “Take a Look” opportunity event, or one of my customer or hostess events. Or simply, meet with them for coffee.
Detectives are extremely good at following up with a lead til they exhaust it. That’s the way you have to be with your recruiting skills.
Work on these 7 important habits and set your goal to become a top recruiter.
Once you start implementing these 7 habits and your team grows you need to have your next system in place which is
This course is available for just $49.00 until Jan 31, 2020.
Don’t miss out on this important training system.
As your NEW RECRUITS join – learn how to get them up and running
in the first 30-60-90 days
Then, you are on track to becoming a
How do you rate yourself as a recruiting detective?