What if you had a work sheet to plan your month, every month?   Well, you do if you’re vested in owning a planner, like my 2023 business planner.

When you use a work sheet to plan your business every month, you are setting yourself up for success.  It also helps you stay organized in your business and you begin every month feeling like you’re ready to

  • accomplish your goals,
  • move forward with new ideas and
  • work on tasks that are critical to bringing in the income you need.

Here are the exact steps specifically laid out in the monthly work sheet page in my 2023 Business planner that will keep you motivated to stay on track to grow your business and increase your income.    

Prompt #1  Write your Goal for the month.  The art of writing down your goal in paragraph form primes your brain and motivates you to stay focused on achieving your goal.   

Simply ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish in my business this month?”  You have four weeks to take specific action to achieve your monthly goal. Write it down in the space provided on the work sheet page every month and you’ll find when you write this goal and review it every day, every week in your planner, you’re more likely to achieve it.

Studies show over 40% of people are more likely to achieve their goals when they write them down?

Get practiced at writing down your goal following my 90-day Goals Playbook.  You’ll learn the art of how to create a goal in 90-days and follow through with magic steps to achieving your goal.

Prompt #2  Write your Important events this month.   When I write down the important events for my month, I’m excited to plan my month around them. Also knowing your  “important” events means you will be SHOWING UP for them!  You write them down on your work sheet page and then schedule them in your planner. This means you are planning conversations or networking, or learning something new which is all about growing your business.  

Showing up is being visible in your business. Here’s what showing up and being visible in business can do for you:

  • Helps you get exposure to a larger audience 
  • Build your brand awareness so people know who you are and how you help them.
  • Establishes your credibility and expertise.
  • Allows you to reach more ideal clients or customers.
  • Connects you to opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise 

 People won’t know you exist unless you show up and knowing your IMPORTANT events is key to increasing your revenue and building new leads.

Prompt #3 Write your Priorities for the month.   What makes something important and what makes something urgent? These are things that are time sensitive and must be focused on immediately.  These are usually tasks or actions that bring in revenue and contribute to achieving your goals


To figure my priorities,  I have weekly lists and daily lists written down in my ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL.  This system allows me to have specific projects that are top of mind and keeps me on track to accomplishing the tiny goals that lead to the bigger and overall GOAL for the month.

When you take the time to prioritize your list and focus on THREE priorities each month, it shows you’re focused on crushing your goals and you’ll feel so good about yourself when you get them done.

Prompt #4 Connections this month.  Connections are all about building relationships.  This action is one of the top “income generating activities” to grow your business.   There are many ways to connect with potential clients, but it has to be a genuine connection.

Someone messaged me recently and said, “Hi Gale, I noticed we are members of the Rad Connectors group.  What do you like about this group?”  Now I know this person is reaching out to me, but there is definitely a connection there.  So, I know it’s okay to answer her and begin to build a relationship.  Making connections is key to client development and so every month you want to write down the most important connections you want on your MONTHLY BUSINESS WORK SHEET.

Connections lead to conversations which leads to doubling your business.

PROMPT #5   Content Creation this monthThere is ample space provided for you to write a complete content creation plan for the month on your work sheet page.  In my ACCOUNTABILITY LAB group I teach a whole system on creating content for the month.   This system is

  1. Three platforms to connect with Ideal Clients.
  2. Topics for the month.
  3. Time Blocks for Batching content.
  4. Schedule for posting.

This EFFECTIVE OUTLINE helps me figure out the ideas I have out of my head into video, blogs, podcasts, newsletters and social media.


It just took 5 simple PROMPTS to complete

I ALWAYS RECOMMEND you celebrate when you achieve your goals.  We celebrate our goals every week in my FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY.  Come on over and join us HERE and let’s celebrate YOU!

I review my Goals and Action WORK SHEET PAGE every WEEK IN MY SUNDAY PLANNING ROUTINE to make sure I’m track and staying focused on my three priorities for the month.


So you have it to work on every month in your