coffee cappuccino downunderIf you’re ready to read this blog, take a minute, go and make yourself a cup of coffee and come back and learn the importance of having coffee chat conversations in your Direct Sales Biz.

I got an urgent email from one of my clients this week saying, “Help, Gale, I’ve set up a coffee chat appointment this week and I’m feeling nervous about what to say.”


I have a saying in my coaching program that says,

“She who shares her opportunity the most WINS!”

How often are you sharing your opportunity? If you’re in the party plan business, you have the opportunity to set up THREE recruiting appointments with my formula after every party.

If you’re in the network marketing arena, your focus should be holding presentations and events she who shares her opportunity the most winsevery week using my 6-step formula to share your business opportunity.

Of course, this all comes about because you have the skills and knowledge and know how to develop relationships and recognize IDEAL PROSPECTS.   Ideal prospects are who you share your opportunity especially with a coffee chat conversation.

I became a top recruiter because I adopted this attitude and spent every week scheduling coffee chat – recruiting appointments in my calendar. It was this attitude that earned me the award for having the highest number of personal recruits in my company. And it was this strategy that led me to growing over a million dollars in team sales and a six-figure income business.

How do you get over feeling nervous about what to say?   You have to master the skills. This is not rocket science, but it is a science in sharing the points of your business opportunity.   You have to build the relationship first, but when you learn the steps to sharing your opportunity in a coffee chat conversations over and over again, guess what?   You become a MASTER RECRUITER!

Do you want to learn these valuable steps? Do you want to become proficient and confident in sharing your business opportunity with as many as possible? Then take advantage of my SPRING SALE!




With two easy payments

Click here

Blueprint Product w Discs white background

This is my step-by-step blueprint to help you recruit and move steadily toward growing a powerful and dynamic Direct Sales Team.

Are you ready to be a TOP RECRUITER and grow your own dream team?  It will be so much easier if you follow this step-by-step blueprint – don’t delay in getting this SPRING discount of $50 off.

You’ll learn

  • how to Identify prospects, get the interview and understand the next step formula.
  • Follow a simple recruiting formula that helps you focus on a personal core team
  • Identify just “who” is an ideal prime prospect.
  • How to build a pipeline of “ideal” prime prospects
  • Follow a process that helps you market to your ideal prime prospects
  • Includes templates and exercises laid out step by step.

I heard from a potential client today who said, “I’m ready to recruit!”  Are you ready too?  Then master these important skills and get the discount now!


With two easy payments

Click here

I can’t wait to hear from you that you had a TEAM EXPLOSION in March because you followed these blueprint principles and chat 2

Have any questions about this product, leave a comment below.  Here’s to YOU and may you have many coffee chats conversations and become a top recruiter!