A client emailed me this morning saying, “the team is already getting distracted with summer activities, what can I do?” The one thing to remember is a Summer Action plan will build MOMENTUM in your business. If you decrease your activities, you’ll decrease your business.

In Day 5 action I’m showing you a way to master a skill to earn more money! Follow along in your FREE Summer Action Plan Workbook.

Download your 30-day Summer Action Plan WORKBOOK here!

day 5 high summer sales

If you want consistent income in the summer, you simply work on having consistent parties all through the summer. But what is really exciting is having HIGH summer party sales consistently all through the summer.

For every $1,000 party sales most consultants earn around $250 or $300 and the hostess earns fabulous free and half price products. Everyone wins! The Hostess, the consultant and the Team.   There are 5 key areas to focus on to have high party sales all through the summer.

#1 Grow strong friendships with Hostesses. We call it hostess coaching, but I like to think of it as hostess connecting. You know how it feels when you connect with someone and you just “click.” You want your hostess to get the maximum hostess credits, and when you both work together to make that happen, it’s MAGIC! This is laid out for you in my Advanced Hostess Coaching CD. So, focus on building that BFF (best friend forever) relationship first.

#2 Work with your hostess on having $200 or $300 in outside orders. There are many people she wants to invite, but they are busy with summer activities. However, if you help your hostess, she can easily gather orders outside of the party.

#3 Make your party absolutely, fantastically, FUN! Work at this. It’s summer FUN time. Get the guests laughing, having fun, enjoying themselves during your demonstration and showing them ways they can’t do without your products. They will be saying, “this was the BEST FUN.” And that will put them in a buying mood, and may want to book their own SUMMER FUN party.

#4 Get strategic with your product “sets.”   A set usually has great value. So, if you have $100 sets that break down to great value for customers, remind them. Make it your goal to sell six to eight “sets” at your parties and your sales will soar.

check out cheat sheet#5 One of the best skills to learn to have high party sales is to learn to become an expert at check-out. Check-out at your party is the place where everything comes together!   You’ve built a solid relationship with your hostess, you’ve “wow’d” your guests with a FUN demonstration and now they are anxious to check out with you and seal the deal.

Mastering this skill of becoming an expert at checkout is like being a master closer. Review the 6-step checklist in your Summer Action workbook.

Step 1. Always give your guest a personal compliment. It breaks down barriers.

Step 2. Ask for the wish list and compliment the guest on her personal choices.

Step 3. Always build the sale, and ask if she’d like to add to her order.

Step 4. Ask for the booking using the CALENDAR CONFIDENCE system in Direct Sales Planner 2016 Spiral Book 3d Imagethe Direct Sales Planner.

Step 5. Ask for payment.

Step 6. Thank your guest for her order!


My GIFT to you today is five “Check-out Cheat-sheet” postcards! Email me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com with your snail mail address. Take this postcard and slide it under your order book at checkout and follow the six steps til you know them by heart!

If you’re enjoying this 30-day action plan, share it with your team and colleagues, and leave me a message on my business Facebook page here.

Also comment below about the $1,000 parties you are planning to hold all through summer!

Tomorrow, I’ll share a success pattern for your business that you will love!