Question: "What is the time in Mogadishu, Somalia?" Answer: 4:00 pm Sunday, December 19th.
Yesterday I bought a new 4S Iphone! I am absolutely blown away by the capabilities it offers. It has a "siri" connection where all you have to do is double click and ask any question in the world like the question above and you will get the right answer.
Today’s 2012 success planning question is to help you focus on positive energy and attract more opportunities in your life and business.
2012 Success Plan Question #18
What tolerations will you get rid of in 2012?
Tolerations are the things or situations in your life that annoy you or make your life more difficult or frustrating. It’s amazing how much these tolerations drain your energy and distract you from doing the things you want and having the success you desire.
The more things you don’t have to tolerate, the more opportunity, more love, more money, more positive energy we attract into our life.
The first step to eliminating these annoyances is to write them down. Make a list of everything in your life that you are tolerating.
If you’d like a HANDOUT on "Eliminating your Tolerations" list, email
How are you doing with your 17 questions so far? Leave a comment below.