How is your January moving? It’s moving faster than ever for me.

I’ve been walking my four miles in the early mornings, scheduling and working with my coaching clients and writing new programs and products for 2012.

I love Jack Canfield’s quote, “What you focus on multiplies.”

CALENDAR GIRLS are multiplying around the world. I am committed to helping leaders with my CALENDAR GIRLS booking system. It is the core of your business and is a system that will help you and your team leap forward in 2012. Don’t miss the FREE teleseminar held on the second Tuesday of each month! If you haven’t ordered the NEW YEAR 2012 workbook, order it here!

A fresh focus helps you be pro-active and move forward at a steady pace. It helps you plan your work and work your plan and get the results you want.

What is your FRESH FOCUS for 2012? Declare it and share it on the blog today!

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