by Gale Bates | Feb 25, 2020 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Group Coaching, Make the Leap to the Next Level
This week I posted in my Facebook group a question, “What networking group do you belong to?” To my surprise the answers were, “I don’t belong to any networking group.” “There are no networking groups where I live.” “I can’t afford to belong to a networking group.”...
by Gale Bates | Jan 29, 2020 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Make the Leap to the Next Level, Planning on Purpose
It’s the beginning of 2020 and a perfect time to re-start your business. Maybe you’ve been stalled for a while, or perhaps you’re even STUCK, but the great news is you can always re-start if you’re willing. That’s the key – you have to be willing. You have to WANT...
by Gale Bates | Jan 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
One of the strongest traits I see in top recruiters is knowing how to recognize prospects. Take a look at this picture. How do I discover if she is looking for my great opportunity? I take steps to get to know her and ask questions. I have to be curious and become...
by Gale Bates | Dec 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
The two things I credit having the most impact on improving my mindset to stay focused on growing a million-dollar team were, Hiring a Coach, and Reading and learning from books. 5 books I recommend in 2020. I refer to these books over and over coaching leaders in...
by Gale Bates | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Planning 2020 with purpose is taking “tiny steps to achieve big goals” and today I’m sharing three tiny steps to help you plan 2020 with purpose! Planning 2020 with purpose is setting positive expectations for your year ahead. Being positive is a specific and...