by Gale Bates | May 31, 2018 | Direct Sales Leadership
Today, I have a quick video with a story about a coaching client who said to me, “I think I need to get a part-time job over summer!” Watch how I recommend to her that her DIRECT Sales business is the perfect part time job to have over summer. I share how she can earn...
by Gale Bates | May 21, 2018 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only
Your Direct Sales Biz is a great vehicle to save money and I recommend creating a 10-week Savings strategy. I find many consultants don’t pay attention to the profit they make in their business each week. That’s usually because they are not tracking their sales with a...
by Gale Bates | May 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
What kind of ritual do you have for planning your business? I love to ask my coaching clients this question, “Are you a planner or a pantser?” The difference is a PANTSER (like it says,) runs her business by the seat of her pants, and that’s when I find my client...
by Gale Bates | May 1, 2018 | Direct Sales, Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training
New Recruits are anxious to start their NEW business with their first LAUNCH parties. They are full of enthusiasm and want to know how to hold successful parties and make money. Your job as her sponsor is to help her SKYROCKET her business with a SUCCESSFUL...
by Gale Bates | Apr 23, 2018 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training
This week I shared a business plan with an old colleague on a zoom call, and she said to me, “You haven’t changed Gale! I watched you have success growing your million-dollar team setting goals and taking deliberate ACTION to achieve them.” Boy, did she have my...