How many “to-do” lists do you have?

How many “to-do” lists do you have?

Do you write a to-do list every day? It’s what keeps me focused and organized. Many things can be out of control in my life, but if I have my to-do list in front of me I feel like I have a path to follow. How many times do you write on a piece of paper and can’t find...
5 Ways to Find Prime Prospects for your Direct Sales Biz?

5 Ways to Find Prime Prospects for your Direct Sales Biz?

I find many direct sellers don’t like recruiting because they think it’s too hard, or they don’t want to be too pushy, or they are not comfortable talking about their business OPPORTUNITY. One of the biggest mistakes many people make is thinking recruiting is a...
Manage your Profit Path in your Direct Sales Business

Manage your Profit Path in your Direct Sales Business

No matter where you are with your direct sales business, at the top level or just beginning or somewhere in between.  You are a MILLIONAIRE in the making! Think about this. If you make $25,000 gross annual earnings each year and you average that income for 40 years –...