Manage your Profit Path in your Direct Sales Business

Manage your Profit Path in your Direct Sales Business

No matter where you are with your direct sales business, at the top level or just beginning or somewhere in between.  You are a MILLIONAIRE in the making! Think about this. If you make $25,000 gross annual earnings each year and you average that income for 40 years –...
Consistent Follow-up equals Consistent Income

Consistent Follow-up equals Consistent Income

This week I got a Facebook message from one of my favorite people, Jackie Ulmer, who has an amazing podcast for direct sellers. Jackie and I met online years ago and she asked me if I’d like to come on her podcast show and share some of my systems in growing a million...
How Much Do You Charge?

How Much Do You Charge?

This morning I was reading an email that reminded me about my first reaction when I thought about hiring a coach. I was working on a formula to earn $40,000 a year from my direct sales business because it was what I needed to pay my bills and keep three children in...
Plan your next Promotion with 2nd Quarter Goals?

Plan your next Promotion with 2nd Quarter Goals?

“I hit my first quarter Goals” was the email I opened this week from one of my LEAP Group coaching clients. What an accomplishment for the beginning of the year! I was so proud of her because she has had bumps in the road in her first three months of this year but...
Create Team Spirit with a Strong Communication Strategy

Create Team Spirit with a Strong Communication Strategy

l love reading posts on Facebook group team pages. This method of communication is an integral part of the CALENDAR GIRLS team communication strategy and it’s one of the key ingredients to building that important team spirit. Here’s a recent post by a team...