by Gale Bates | Jun 15, 2014 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Group Coaching, Make the Leap to the Next Level, Miscellaneous, MLM Tips, Network Marketing Mentor, Recruiting Success, Uncategorized
To have a successful business you must have some kind of a system to record business transactions. I was always very insistent with my team members in helping them keep track of their business records. After all, if you’re starting a new business, you want to know...
by Gale Bates | Jun 2, 2014 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Make the Leap to the Next Level, Miscellaneous, MLM Tips, Network Marketing Mentor, Recruiting Success, Uncategorized
It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy! After the harsh winter this year many are welcoming this summer with gusto! As leaders in direct sales, you know many people on the team are going to take that saying very literally and cut back or even (horrors) say, “I’m...
by Gale Bates | May 5, 2014 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Group Coaching, Make the Leap to the Next Level, Miscellaneous, MLM Tips, Network Marketing Mentor, Recruiting Success, Uncategorized
On a recent coaching call with a client, she shared a BIG “aha” moment with me. This wonderful leader is focused, has a strategic plan and is implementing every week. But, as we discussed her team building plan and I was guiding her through that plan, she suddenly...
by Gale Bates | May 1, 2014 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Group Coaching, Make the Leap to the Next Level, MLM Tips, Network Marketing Mentor, Recruiting Success, Uncategorized
This week I met with a new friend who is a high-powered coach on Wall Street. What an awesome woman who’s sole intent is to bring integrity and conscious awareness to the people who build profitable businesses in the most powerful financial district in the world. It...
by Gale Bates | Apr 7, 2014 | Direct Sales Leadership, Direct Sales Training, For Leaders Only, Group Coaching, Make the Leap to the Next Level, Miscellaneous, MLM Tips, Network Marketing Mentor, Recruiting Success
This week I received a Facebook message from a leader who would love to join my group coaching program and is trying to figure out how she can pay for it. I hear you loud and clear because I had the same mindset before I hired my own coach. I remember exactly when I...