by Gale Bates | Jan 27, 2012 | Direct Sales Leadership, For Leaders Only, Make the Leap to the Next Level, Uncategorized
This week one of my favorite Social Media business experts, Karen Clark, put a post on facebook. She said, “Who follows up with their individual webinar attendees to see if they put anything into practice?” Well in fact Karen does, because she’s holding seminars that...
by Gale Bates | Jan 24, 2012 | Direct Sales Leadership, For Leaders Only, Make the Leap to the Next Level
How is your January moving? It’s moving faster than ever for me. I’ve been walking my four miles in the early mornings, scheduling and working with my coaching clients and writing new programs and products for 2012. I love Jack Canfield’s quote, “What you focus on...
by Gale Bates | Dec 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
New Year’s Eve is finally here! Living in Hawaii we celebrate New Year’s many hours after the rest of the world because of our long time difference. So, if you’re reading this blog and it’s midnight in New York or Toronto...
by Gale Bates | Dec 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
Wow! Can you believe we’re at question #30 in creating your 2012 Success Plan. If you have spent the last 30 days reading these questions then I applaud you! If you have spent the last 30 days reading these questions, answering and writing the exercises,...
by Gale Bates | Dec 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
I hear it many times… "I don’t know enough people." "I hate to keep asking the same people." If you understand ONE thing in owning a direct sales business, you must understand the way to grow and thrive is to constantly be marketing and...