How to Introduce Yourself Like a Pro
Everyone struggles when they introduce themselves for the first time. It doesn’t always come naturally, and in today’s world—where live video and online...
Why I Love (and Rely-on) My To-Do List.
As I wait patiently, for my doctor to give me the all clear to go back to work, I’ve been writing down some amazing to-do lists. To-do lists are the...
How Collaboration Drives Entrepreneurial Success
Over the years, I have seen firsthand how the power of community and collaboration can help entrepreneurs with support and feedback. As someone who has...
The One Thing Entrepreneurs Should Never Do
As entrepreneurs running our businesses from home, it’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritizing work above all else. We’re motivated, passionate, and...
Time and Money-saving Hacks for Entrepreneurs who Work from Home.
Entrepreneurs who work from home know that time is their most valuable asset—yet it’s also one of the hardest resources to manage effectively. Balancing...
7 Benefits to using a Paper Planner
In a digital world full of distractions of notifications and smartphone apps, my 2025 PAPER Planner and Purposeful Planning Guide workbook can transform...
Holiday Shoppers – Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know
The holiday season is here and for entrepreneurs it's paying attention to the three categories of shopper patterns that will help increase your sales. ...
Coffee & Connection: Interview with a Home-Based Entrepreneur
I’ve been an entrepreneur working from home for over 20 years, and after two decades, I began searching for ways to rediscover connections with other...
15-Minute Micro Habits that Drive Maximum Productivity
How many times in your day do you find you have 15-minutes of time to spare? In his book, Success Happens, Dr. Tom Barrett shares a powerful...