How do I Balance my Personal Business and my Team Business?
Finding the right balance between your family, your exercise, your kids schooling, and maybe even a full-time job, while growing your million-dollar team...
Plan your Work, Work your Plan, Every Week
Planning takes work and work takes planning. And we have to do it every week. We all have a mile-high to-do list. When you first start a direct sales...
“How do I teach my team to get their calendar full of bookings?”
A coaching client messaged me and said, “Hi Gale, I had my highest month ever and sold over $3300! I now have my calendar full for August, but I’d love...
Ready to Play a Bigger Game?
What's your game plan? What would happen in your business if… you knew you had hostesses waiting to be on your calendar? you had customers re-ordering...
How can I get a New Team Member into Action? Part 1
“Help Gale, I’ve recruited 4 new team members, how can I get them into action?” My coaching clients have been having great success at recruiting new team...
Have you heard of the Booking Love Language?
I was struggling to get bookings until I learned the Booking Love Language. When I first joined Direct Sales, my sponsor, was a no-nonsense woman, and I...
Do you Have the Right Mindset to get Bookings?
Mindset plays a critical role in having a full calendar of bookings. Recently a coaching client shared with me a story about one of her team members… Her...
ONE THING that would help you double your biz.
What's the one thing that will double your biz? I’m a big fan of the book “THE ONE THING” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. The principles they share in...
Fun ways to Keep your Team Active over Summer
Fun, Fun, that's what summer is all about! I had some strategic conversations with coaching clients this week about keeping their team active with fun...