Your Direct Sales Biz is your Part-time Job over Summer!
Today, I have a quick video with a story about a coaching client who said to me, “I think I need to get a part-time job over summer!” Watch how I...
Create a SAVINGS strategy in your Direct Sales Biz?
Your Direct Sales Biz is a great vehicle to save money and I recommend creating a 10-week Savings strategy. I find many consultants don’t pay attention...
Three Planning hacks that will change your Direct Sales Business!
What kind of ritual do you have for planning your business? I love to ask my coaching clients this question, “Are you a planner or a pantser?” The...
DOUBLE Launch Parties bring NEW Recruit immediate success!
New Recruits are anxious to start their NEW business with their first LAUNCH parties. They are full of enthusiasm and want to know how to hold...
Success Happens in your Direct Sales Biz when you Take Action!
This week I shared a business plan with an old colleague on a zoom call, and she said to me, “You haven’t changed Gale! I watched you have success...
Where can I find Biz Builders for my Direct Sales Team?
We use the term ‘Biz Builders” often in my coaching sessions! Who is a Biz Builder? It boils down to finding people who wanting to grow a strong and...
How to Build a Booking Wait List in your Direct Sales Biz
The subject this week in our L.E.A.P. Mastermind group was developing a wait list of people to keep your calendar full of bookings. In this group...
How to Build Relationships at your First Networking Group
Is it time for you to branch out of your first circle of friends and family and build new relationships? This usually happens after the first 90 days of...
How to Create A TEAM Customer Service System
What are you doing to delight your customer? Your customers are the most important people in your business. You are paid BIG TIME when you take care...