A 3 Step Planning Routine for your Direct Sales Business
How do you plan? I believe in keeping things simple in your business. Focusing on the basics is what brought my team to the million-dollar level, and it...
8 steps to Holding a Successful Black Friday Event
Yesterday I did a zoom call for a coaching client’s team and one of the hot topics was how to hold a successful Black Friday Event. They were from all...
A Simple System to stay organized in your Direct Sales Business
As I opened my emails this Monday morning, I got that warm, fuzzy, feeling inside that helped me know I am doing some things right in fulfilling my...
Your Level of Confidence in your Direct Sales Biz?
One of the biggest things that affects your business and your income is your level of self-confidence. If you don’t have confidence in what you do in...
Be Purposefully Productive with Time Blocking
It’s Monday morning! What’s on your plate? Here’s what I need to do today Create a blog (on it!) Check Bills to pay Sync planner with google Create...
Be a Leader who makes an Impact at your Team Meeting
When you first become a leader you want the team to bond together, and one of the best ways to do that is at your TEAM MEETING! Team meetings can make a...
Ready to Catch The Direct Sales Vision?
Recently, I was asked to share a top team building activity that helped my team reach the #1 position in the country. There were numerous activities that...
Why you should have a Blog for your Direct Sales Biz
One of the best ways to build relationships and grow your Direct Sales Business is to start a BLOG! In my last blog post we discussed adding value to...
Add Value with a VIP Customer Facebook Group
I love Facebook Groups! They are one of the best ways to grow friendships, get ideas and build community, I have four Facebook groups for my clients...