Day 21 Summer Action Plan – Planting Summer Seeds
A summer action plan will help you schedule time with family and business. We are at Day 21 of this 30-day blogging series. Today I'm sharing some...
Day 20 Summer Action Plan – WOW Party!
A summer action plan will help you schedule time with family and business. In Day 20, I’m sharing my WOW PARTY experience information! Read the blog,...
Day 19 Summer Action Plan – The Booking Nudge
A summer action plan is necessary to have consistent business! When you follow a plan, you have consistent sales, bookings and recruits added to your...
Day 18 Summer Action Plan – 15 Minutes Follow-up Focus
A summer action plan will help you make the difference in working smart! When you follow a plan, you have consistent sales, bookings and recruits added...
Day 17 Summer Action Plan – 50 New Hostesses
A summer action plan helps you get “ahead” in your business. When you follow your plan you have consistent sales, bookings and recruits added to your...
Day 16 Summer Action Plan – Creating VIP Customers
A summer action plan helps you stay focused around a myriad of distractions. When you stick to your plan you have consistent sales, bookings and recruits...
Day 15 Summer Action Plan – Time Management System
A summer action plan is a wonderful way to keep your business flowing through June, July and August. When you plan and prepare for summer business you...
Day 14 Summer Action Plan – The one thing you MUST do!
A summer action plan is a key ingredient to business success. When you plan and prepare for summer business you get results. Read below about the ONE...
Day 13 Summer Action Plan – First Impressions (Checklist inside)
A summer action plan will help you stay consistent in your business. When you plan and prepare for summer business you see forward movement in your...