Now is the Time to “Stay the Course” in your DS Biz
The new year is only 26 days away! Are you panicked about keeping the focus during this incredibly busy and sometimes frantic time of the year? It’s so...
It’s That Time of Year to Connect!
It is that time of year to connect! It’s that time of year when you have the opportunity to add the most new business through connecting with meeting...
The Recruits You are Seeking are Also Seeking You!
I love belonging to groups on Facebook. In my CALENDAR GIRLS Team booking system I work with leaders in creating a positive team Facebook page. It’s one...
Fall in Love with Building a Team in Direct Sales
On a TEAM Facebook page this week, a I read this post.“I love being part of this group and this company. It has been such a fantastic journey since I met...
A Strategy to Grow your Team FAST right now?
It’s that time! It’s the busy season! The busy season is when retailers extend their store hours because they sell more during this time than any other...
Share “Valuable” Secrets with your Team in your Direct Sales Biz
Before the phenomena of the “Secret” book and the “Secret” movie, I used to hold “Secret” calls once a month with my whole team. These calls helped to...
Feeling confident with your Calendar in your Direct Sales Biz?
I love having someone to be accountable to? How about you? In my L.E.A.P. group coaching program, we have an accountability program. One of the things we...
Positive Thoughts Attract Positive Experiences – Offer ends today!
I hope your week is wrapping up on a positive note! I love this statement in this picture. Positive thinking produces a positive attitude and a...
How confident are you with recruiting in your Direct Sales Biz?
Top leaders in direct sales seem to have one characteristic in common and that's feeling confident in recruiting. And as I point out in my Recruiting...