What does SW, SW, SW, mean to you in your Direct Sales Biz?
The first time I learned the SW words was at my first convention. I had signed up for a workshop which was entitled, “How to Make $100,000 in your Direct...
Are you Ready to Recruit our Dream Team? (Big Announcement)
It was 10:30 pm and I was packing up and getting ready to leave my party, when a woman rushed through the door, breathing fast, “I’m so sorry! I hope I’m...
Tis the Season to Launch & fill your calendar NOW!
You’re home from convention and you're flying HIGH!! You have new products, new marketing materials, new flyers, and great new ideas! What’s your next...
Do you have your Intention for Convention? A Special FREE Report.
It's CONVENTION TIME! Are you ready? Imagine yourself at convention. You’re having fun with your friends and team members. You’re sitting in the front...
Have a Winning Referral Rewards program for your DS Biz?
How well do you know your customers? Of course you know their name, but do you know their spouse’s name? Or their daughter or son’s name? Maybe even the...
Tracking your Direct Sales Biz in ONE Place.
To have a successful business you must have some kind of a system to record business transactions. I was always very insistent with my team members in...
Create a lazy, crazy summertime repeatable success pattern in your Direct Sales Business
It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy! After the harsh winter this year many are welcoming this summer with gusto! As leaders in direct sales, you...
How are you Recruiting Business Builders on your team?
On a recent coaching call with a client, she shared a BIG “aha” moment with me. This wonderful leader is focused, has a strategic plan and is...
How to Approach People and Share Your Direct Sales Biz?
This week I met with a new friend who is a high-powered coach on Wall Street. What an awesome woman who’s sole intent is to bring integrity and conscious...