Get a Theme to Inspire You and Your Direct Sales Team in 2014
I GOT IT! I got my theme for my business for 2014 at our family breakfast on New Year’s Day. I was so excited. I’ve been thinking about my theme for...
Find a Quiet 10 Minutes Before the New Year!
Are you ready to kick off your best year yet in 2014? My suggestion is to find a quiet 10 minutes in the next two days and set your intentions to kick...
Develop your Personal Growth with these 10 books
When did you first fall in love with reading? I always remember my mother calling me to dinner when I had my head deep in a story and had to drag myself...
Losing Steam with Your 90-day Recruiting Goal?
Yesterday, I met with a friend who’s considering joining a direct sales business. She’s never been in direct sales before and wanted my advice. It was...
What’s your Social Media Strategy in your Direct Sales Business?
Today, I listened very closely to my own coach’s wisdom. She said, if you look at what worked and you expand on that you’ll find great success in...
We are a Group of People Who Change Lives One Recruit at a Time
Happy Monday! I just watched an international video about entrepreneurship and the message made me think of the important work you’re doing in your...
The Power of Focus in 90 days in your Direct Sales Business
I know many of you are deep into the 90-day recruiting challenge I presented in my blog post on September 25th. If you missed it, I would recommend you...
Magical Powers to Help You Achieve your 90-day Recruiting Goal
Halloween does magical things! It makes little ones think about being a superman, a fairy, a knight, a ghost, and many more. Nowadays even the adults are...
The 90-day Recruiting Push in your Direct Sales Business
I am so excited to connect with so many coaching clients, facebook fans and newsletter followers who have taken my 90-day Recruiting Challenge. If you...