10 Hacks to Organize a High Selling Holiday Season
If you’re like me, you absolutely love everything about the holiday season, but it’s can also be a stressful time and you want to make sure you’re...
Three Hot Tips to Closing Prospects
This week on coaching session, my client and I discovered her team members needed more practice in closing prospects. She’s the only person on her team...
How to Teach your Team to be Confident in Holding Parties.
Many of my coaching clients come to me because they are frustrated with team members who don’t feel confident in holding parties. “My team is not booking...
Collaborate with Direct Sales Business Girlfriends and Rise to Higher levels.
I believe every leap we take in our Direct Sales Business happens when we collaborate with like-minded business girlfriends. This is the power of how...
How to Kick Off the Busy Season in your Direct Sales Business
We are at a pivotal time of the year that we call the “Busy Season!” This is the time of the year when we usually do 80% more business than the rest of...
5 Ideas to Build Relationships in your VIP Facebook Group.
What is a VIP Facebook group? For Direct Sellers, this is a private group on Facebook where you have the opportunity to serve! Serve your customers...
5 Daily Tasks to Stay Organized in your Business
I know it can be overwhelming to be organized with the right tasks in running your Direct Sales Business. Your to-do lists keep growing and it can be...
5 Hot Tips to Plan a Successful Summer of Opportunity
This summer people are emerging from a long sleep. They have been secluded and missing the interaction of getting together to smile at one another,...
How to Increase Team Performance
Do you wish you could motivate your team to have higher performance? This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart because it is my passion and...