I hear it many times, “If everyone had done just a little bit more, we would have qualified as a team, this month.” To qualify as a team each month with EASE, it is a TEAM EFFORT! The leader contributes her requirements and the team members contribute their...
Work your Direct Sales Biz with Focus & Concentrated Intensity
I grew up in a racehorse family. My father owned race horses and my mother always used to say, you know how much they win, but you never hear about the losses. The Queen of England is a race horse owner, and has loved the sport her whole life. Do you know why a...
Prepare to STEP into action for the HIGH direct sales season.
What do you do every week in your business? The operative word here is “DO.” “Doing” is taking action. As entrepreneurs we have the luxury of “doing” whatever we want, but how often are we distracted or make excuses why we can’t do something? Or we listen to that...
THREE ways to have “consistency” success in your Direct Sales Business
Consistency is probably one of the most often used words I use in my coaching practice. That’s because when we do things consistently and repeatedly it creates two very important roles. First, when we are CONSISTENT we get extremely masterful at our skills, and...
Tracking your numbers in Direct Sales
I’ve heard it said, one of the secrets of successful salespeople is they know how to keep track of their numbers. Top sales people can tell you • how many prospects they’ve contacted in the last 30 days • how many of those people purchased • how much they sold • how...
“Extraordinary” Team Meetings in Direct Sales no-one wants to miss – Part 2
“I hold my team meetings and only ONE PERSON attends.” In my connecting and coaching with direct sales leaders around the world, this is probably the most common statement I hear. What can you do to have every team member feel like they can’t WAIT to see each other at...
“Extraordinary” Direct Sales Team Meetings Nobody wants to miss – Part 1
“Great content and information.” “Loved the format.” “I think using the term “Business” meeting makes all the difference.” These were a few of the comments from my APRIL Free CALENDAR GIRLS Team booking system webinar on - How to hold “Extraordinary” team meetings for...
Increase your direct sales business at Expos & Trade shows.
Expos and Trade Shows are a way to increase your direct sales business if you are a serious business builder. When I moved to three different cities and didn’t know many people, I did many expos, trade shows and fairs to generate new customers and new circles of...
Outstanding Results working a team booking system
I was so pumped this week to read a Monday Update Newsletter from one of my private coaching clients that began with OUTSTANDING Sales! OUTSTANDING Parties! OUTSTANDING Recruiting! OUTSTANDING Teamwork! The Monday Update newsletter is part of the CALENDAR GIRLS team...
Ready to move up a level in your Direct Sales business
I was on a call this week with Direct Sales Leaders and aspiring leaders. We discussed exciting ways and strategies to move up a level in their company’s leadership program. Everyone agreed the best reason to move up was MAKING MORE MONEY There are other benefits to...