I was having a conversation with a coaching client last week and she was telling me about a friend of hers who has just skyrocketed her business to a top leadership level. What do you think this person is doing? What makes her different from you? Why...
2012 Success Plan Question Twenty Five
I hope you all had a safe and merry holiday and enjoying this week to really dream big about your business in 2012. Today's question is extremely important because the results can bring you exactly what you want. 2012 Success Plan Question #25 How will you...
2012 Success Plan Question Twenty Four
Now that you've inked, visualized and written down your goals for 2012, it's time to break them down into bite size pieces so you can track your results. 2012 Success Plan Question #24 Break Down your goals to track your results. Some of you may have heard of the...
2012 Success Plan Three Questions
If you're answering these 31 questions, you're creating a fantastic success plan for your business for 2012 and all the previous questions have led you to the next THREE questions which are actually exercises to help you jump into action. Setting goals is...
2012 Success Plan Question Twenty
Many people join direct sales and even try a couple of different companies, but never seem to achieve the success they want. What is missing between the successful and the "wanna be" successful? It's having a compelling reason or purpose for...
2012 Success Plan Question Nineteen
2012 Success Plan Question #19 What would you like to be your greatest achievement in your business in 2012? Today's question is where you ask yourself, "What if everything was perfect and the road ahead was smooth sailing with no obstacles or challenges, what...
2012 Success Plan Question Eighteen
Every year, I invest in books, programs, mentorship and coaches to increase my knowledge. I am committed to lifelong learning - seeking opportunities to expand my awareness, building on my existing knowledge and growing more competent in my field of...
2012 Success Plan Question Eighteen
Every year, I invest in books, programs, mentorship and coaches to increase my knowledge. I am committed to lifelong learning - seeking opportunities to expand my awareness, building on my existing knowledge and growing more competent in my field of...
2012 Success Plan Question Seventeen
Question: "What is the time in Mogadishu, Somalia?" Answer: 4:00 pm Sunday, December 19th. Yesterday I bought a new 4S Iphone! I am absolutely blown away by the capabilities it offers. It has a "siri"...
2012 Success Plan Question Sixteen
Today's question is probably my favorite question because it gives you the opportunity to look back at what worked and what didn't work in your business. When you do this it gives you the impetus to create a new plan with a clean slate, refresh and renew....