I love the term “We are better together!” To me, it’s the embodiment of Team building! Building teams together is what we do in Direct Sales. I know when I was building my million-dollar team... I was looking for people who were similar to myself. I wanted people...
How can I get a New Team Member into Action? Part 1
“Help Gale, I’ve recruited 4 new team members, how can I get them into action?” My coaching clients have been having great success at recruiting new team members this month. It’s a great problem to have right? However, it’s important to have a system in place to...
Fun ways to Keep your Team Active over Summer
Fun, Fun, that's what summer is all about! I had some strategic conversations with coaching clients this week about keeping their team active with fun ideas over summer. One client said, “I want my team members to continue to do parties and work their business over...
Three Planning hacks that will change your Direct Sales Business!
What kind of ritual do you have for planning your business? I love to ask my coaching clients this question, “Are you a planner or a pantser?” The difference is a PANTSER (like it says,) runs her business by the seat of her pants, and that’s when I find my client...
10 Quick Ways to Increase Party Sales in March
I am calling March MOMENTUM MONTH! It’s a 5-week – 31 day – 5 Tuesday- kind of month which gives you lots more time to have higher party sales and when you hold more parties, guess what happens? You get confident, you get skilled and you step up in your business to...
Your Level of Confidence in your Direct Sales Biz?
One of the biggest things that affects your business and your income is your level of self-confidence. If you don’t have confidence in what you do in your direct sales business, you find yourself feeling not good enough, or holding back on achieving your goals, and...
10 Weeks of SAVING in your Direct Sales Biz
We have come to the end of the 10-week period for our #10weeksavingsprogram. This is the tenth week, and if you’re been diligent each week in putting $100 into a special savings account, you should now have $1,000 ready to spend on your own holiday gift giving. This...
Week 3 Tip SAVING $1000 (Free Printable)
We are at week 3 of SAVING $100 a week. How are you doing? Are you focused on the outcome every week? Are you watching your bank account grow? This week's post is about reaching out during this busy time and connecting with people to insure you’re hitting the $500...
Want to SAVE $100 a week in your DS Biz? (Free Printable)
This week I am kicking off a strategy to help you SUPERCHARGE your business! I created this strategy with my own million-dollar team and we all found it was the catalyst in helping us end our year achieving our goals and dreams. It’s a strategy to help you SAVE $100 a...
Consistent Follow-up equals Consistent Income
This week I got a Facebook message from one of my favorite people, Jackie Ulmer, who has an amazing podcast for direct sellers. Jackie and I met online years ago and she asked me if I’d like to come on her podcast show and share some of my systems in growing a million...