
Three “Best Business Practices” to grow your Direct Sales Business

Three “Best Business Practices” to grow your Direct Sales Business

Have you ever wondered why some leaders are always positive and so successful?    The leaders in my Group Coaching program are these people.  They are all busy moms and yet they are dedicated to growing their business.  In fact, they are totally committed to growing...

Is 2014 your year to win your BIG Incentive Trip?

Is 2014 your year to win your BIG Incentive Trip?

  Is 2014 YOUR year to win the BIG Company Incentive trip?   I’m hearing from clients about their fantastic incentive trips to the Bahamas, Australia, and Mexico.  I’m seeing amazing pictures on social media of direct sellers having fun lazing in pools,...

Keep your Calendar Rolling with Bookings Using a Repeatable Success Pattern.

Keep your Calendar Rolling with Bookings Using a Repeatable Success Pattern.

This month, I offered a free call on “Getting organized with a success pattern in your direct sales business” using my 2014 Direct Sales Planner.  It was a “hot” call because I find one of the biggest problems people have is being organized in their business.   Many...

The biggest Impact in your Direct Sales Biz

The biggest Impact in your Direct Sales Biz

This week on my Group Coaching call, I asked the question, “What one action will have the biggest impact on your business, right now?” It excited the group and lots of spirited, active and energetic discussion occurred.  Leaders responded with “I want to learn how to...

Who is looking for your Direct Sales Business Opportunity NOW?

Who is looking for your Direct Sales Business Opportunity NOW?

Last week, I met with three entrepreneurs individually for a coffee chat.    When I was growing my million dollar team I LOVED setting up coffee chats at least twice a week to share my business opportunity. Now that I’m in the coaching business most of my coffee chats...

Get a Theme to Inspire You and Your Direct Sales Team in 2014

Get a Theme to Inspire You and Your Direct Sales Team in 2014

I GOT IT! I got my theme for my business for 2014 at our family breakfast on New Year’s Day.  I was so excited.  I’ve been thinking about my theme for the past few weeks, and pretty much decided my theme was going to be one word “MORE.”  I wanted to add “more” to my...

Find a Quiet 10 Minutes Before the New Year!

Find a Quiet 10 Minutes Before the New Year!

Are you ready to kick off your best year yet in 2014?  My suggestion is to find a quiet 10 minutes in the next two days and set your intentions to kick off the year with a successful January. Get real!  Think about how many pay checks you want in January?  Every time...

Develop your Personal Growth with these 10 books

Develop your Personal Growth with these 10 books

When did you first fall in love with reading?  I always remember my mother calling me to dinner when I had my head deep in a story and had to drag myself away.  I love that saying, “I am not addicted to reading.  I can stop as soon as I finish the next chapter.” This...

Losing Steam with Your 90-day Recruiting Goal?

Losing Steam with Your 90-day Recruiting Goal?

Yesterday, I met with a friend who’s considering joining a direct sales business.  She’s never been in direct sales before and wanted my advice.  It was interesting as I felt like I was back in the field again, “closing the interview.” Her roadblock was finding the...

What’s your Social Media Strategy in your Direct Sales Business?

What’s your Social Media Strategy in your Direct Sales Business?

Today, I listened very closely to my own coach’s wisdom.  She said, if you look at what worked and you expand on that you’ll find great success in growing your business.  This was a "golden nugget." What worked for me this year was my social media strategy.  I’m not...


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