This week I heard from 5 leaders wanting advice on how to deal with overwhelm and stay connected with their team using systems, strategies and best practice habits!
“Help, I’m overwhelmed with too much on my plate!”
They are smart, intelligent people, but with our world of online email, social media, webinars and downloading worksheets and pdf’s it can be daunting, especially for new leaders.
Overwhelm is such a dilemma that many of my coaching conversations are helping clients find the focus and time they need to get it all done.
Leading a fast growing team with multiple new recruits coming in every week, can be overwhelming if you don’t have systems and strategies in place. I recommend creating habits within these systems, because habits help you be consistent in keeping up with a fast moving team.
That’s why I created the CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system. Leading my own million-dollar team, I needed simple, best practices to help team members have a path to follow. These practices turned into habits and that made each new recruit feel supported from the time she signed her application to navigating the website and placing her very first order.
One of these clients shared with me she had 37 new recruits to process from her personal recruiting in February! Yowza! She was relieved when I helped her follow the steps to processing each one of them as we worked through the Calendar Girls workbook.
My solution for leaders in overwhelm is simply to build best practice habits into your work! Best practice habits means you’re taking action consistently and you are getting consistent results.
One of the best practice habits I recommend is spending one hour on a Sunday night planning your week. In fact, this habit applies to ALL entrepreneurs! It’s called the Sunday night ritual, and I’ve been doing this for many many years, and now it seems to be catching on with the rest of the world.
The “Sunday Night Ritual.” What do I recommend for leaders to follow every Sunday? Create the following four habits that make this ritual successful.
- Set weekly goals. This is easy to follow if you’re working with the three important goals from the Calendar Girls workbook. Following the Team Booking goal, Team sales volume goal and Team recruiting goals every week will help you move from a $5,000 team to a $50,000 team when you begin this habit.
- Do a time blocking exercise that shows you the time you have available to work your business for the week. As entrepreneurs, we choose the hours that work best around our family and our lifestyle. Focusing on this exercise every Sunday night, not only shows you how you will achieve your
goals, it will free your mind of overwhelm knowing you can get it all done. This exercise is available in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER! This simple exercise will help you be more efficient and stay on task for the whole week.
- Write out three action steps for each day of the week. I always recommend taking action on your personal business and working the 60/40 rule. Work 60% of time building your personal team, and 40% time work with your whole downline. When you get into the habit of writing out 3 action steps for each day, you’ll know you’re on track in achieving your goals.
- Prepare your dinner menu for the week. You may think this has nothing to do with leading a team, but it’s one of those habits that I believe frees up your mind. Figuring out “What’s for dinner” every day takes a big chunk of your time, but if you figure your menus for each day of the week on a Sunday night, you’ll find you get more done in each day because you are not only organized with your shopping lists, but your mind is clear about feeding your family, and when a woman knows her family is taken care of, she is happy and confident in running her home based business.
A Sunday night ritual is a huge time efficient habit that will help you stay out of overwhelm and feel in control of your business and your life.
Your Assignment today! It’s Sunday! Re-read how to create the FOUR habits above and schedule one hour on your calendar every week this month to help you deal with that overwhelming feeling that there is so much to do!
Learn more team building habits, system and strategies in our L.E.A.P. Group coaching program. The leaders in this group are dealing with their overwhelm and getting amazing results. Learn more about L.E.A.P. here and if you’re ready click the sign up button and get ready to build a team of dynamic people and make an impact on their lives.
What overwhelm holds you back from growing your team?
ps. Join my awesome FREE Facebook group community that work on 90-day goals. Ask to join here.