2014 direct sales planner galeIt’s summertime and the livin’ is easy!   After the harsh winter this year many are welcoming this summer with gusto!  As leaders in direct sales, you know many people on the team are going to take that saying very literally and cut back or even (horrors) say, “I’m shutting down my business over the summer.”

Leaders this is where your leadership role is so important.  This is where you must step up and keep the “livin’ is easy” part alive for your team to help them stay consistent and keep the dollars rolling in over the summertime months.  We all know if you “shut down” your business for three months, people will think you don’t have a business.

One of the most important questions I get asked, is “How do you organize your business?”  And every time I answer this question, I come up with the words…

“Do you have a repeatable success pattern in your business, and do you have a tool to help you stay consistent with your repeatable pattern?”

The best way I know to stay consistent with a repeatable pattern is to use a planner.   

A planner is a tool that will keep you organized with your time.  It will help you have calendar confidence with your bookings and recruiting appointments and track your whole business in ONE place.

When I was growing my million-dollar team I realized the work I was doing needed to be repeatable.  It needed to be simple so anyone could follow it.  I wanted a process that I could replicate over and over again so I could organize my time around my family, and also see my business grow. When you first start your business, nobody teaches you systems.  Or sometimes you’ll learn someone else’s system and it’s not quite right for you.  So, how do you keep your team consistent and accountable over the lazy hazy days of summer?

FIRST.  Create a “summertime” schedule.  Remember, the reason you work as an entrepreneur is you are free to choose your own working hours.  So, summer hours must be scheduled around kids summer camps, family outings, and vacations.  This is reality, so take the time to help your team members create their summer schedule!

I have already shown my LEAP group coaching clients a successful time blocking exercise to help them stay accountable to their goals over the summer.  This time blocking exercise is available to you on P.76 of the DIRECT SALES PLANNER.  Everyone I teach this exercise people are absolutely surprised at the time they DO have available to keep their business consistent through the summer.  Having a summertime schedule is the first step to keeping your repeatable success pattern consistent so you are making consistent income throughout the summer months.

SECOND.  Once you know the hours you have available to work during the summer, create an action plan.  Use the ACTION PLAN pages for June, July and August available in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER.  Set your weekly priorities. Focus on your follow-up connections and keep your team on track with the monthly promotions.  Most of all focus on your own personal sales and booking goals and lead by example.

An action plan that is in front of you every day in your DIRECT SALES PLANNER will grow your business and keep it consistent like nothing else.

THIRD.  Work the calendar confidence strategy.   I find too many direct sellers especially during the summer months let their calendar get out of control. This is when your planner will help you stay confident in getting bookings using the calendar confidence strategy on P. 70 of the DIRECT SALES PLANNER.

I built my million dollar DREAM team using this DIRECT SALES PLANNER and now I teach it to others..  People who use this DIRECT SALES PLANNER know it helps them feel in control of their destiny.

And so these three simple steps will help you and your team stay accountable to your dreams and goals over each of those beautiful summer days.   And when you keep consistent with these three simple steps you’re creating a repeatable success pattern.direct sales planner monthly tracking page

What’s important is this repeatable success pattern or routine is “your” success system because you have figured your summertime schedule!  I believe you have to work at least 15 hours per week to be successful in direct sales.  Holding parties, making phone calls, meeting prospects.

This is a real business that will bring you real money if you follow your very own repeatable process especially over the lazy hazy days of summer in 2014.

Now, you can have this planner at a VERY SPECIAL DISCOUNT for the month of June!  Get it NOW at 15% off and use the code word


Get organized!  Help your team get organized.  Have a special meeting using the summer time blocking exercise on P. 76. and create that repeatable success pattern for “your” business.

The success pattern you create during the next three months will not only let your customers know you are a serious entrepreneur, it will also position you for more incredible growth in the upcoming busiest time of the year.