Your Direct Sales Biz is a great vehicle to save money and I recommend creating a 10-week Savings strategy. I find many consultants don’t pay attention to the profit they make in their business each week. That’s usually because they are not tracking their sales with a planner like the Direct Sales Planner! Most companies now send you a monthly report. So, there’s really no excuse.

It’s important for you to know the sales you make, the commission you earn and the profit you make every month.   Not only for tax purposes, but for making your business a channel to save for the extra things you want to provide for you and your family. Or perhaps you’d love to attend your national convention, and you want your business to pay for everything.

Let’s take a look at that right now as convention is about 10 weeks away. Convention costs vary because of the distance you have to travel. Your biggest expense is usually your air fare.   I know traveling from Hawaii to all my conventions, I had to budget for $1000 air fare! (Yes, try that one on for size!)

So, let’s do a break down of costs

Convention usually rounds out costing you about $1,000.   How will you afford that without digging in to the family budget?


Let me INTRODUCE YOU to A 10Week Savings Strategy

I recommend to all my coaching clients to get behind a 10-week Savings Strategy. Not only will it help to pay for convention, the by-products will be higher sales, more bookings and building a more consistent business throughout the summer months.

First we set a goal of SAVING $100 each week! And to do that it means creating sales of at least $500. Most people earn between 20% to 30% commission on their sales, so at $500, you’re sure to earn that $100.00 each week for 10 weeks.

It’s all about ACTIVITY! I call them daily success actions. In the Direct Sales Planner we work from a menu of events. Here’s what’s on the menu to keep you in action every week.

  • Hold an in-home party with a hostess. This is the most probable way you’ll earn your highest income. The relationships you develop face to face with guests and hostess at an in-home party is where people experience your products and instantly want to buy. They are primed to have a memorable shopping experience with you and every guest usually orders around $80 to $100. So, with 8-10 guests your sales are around $800 or $1000. So, if your commission income is 25% will net you $250.00.
  • Private appointments are a great way to build relationships with customers, but if you schedule one or two private appointments every week, your sales could be anywhere from $100 to $500 depending how many appointments you schedule. So, you could add another $25 to $125 in income from this action.
  • Facebook parties are very popular. The key to Facebook parties is your hostess input. From working with my coaching clients, and some do 2 or 3 Facebook parties every week, the sales usually average around $500 to $1000. Again, you’re looking at a net income of about $125 to $250.00
  • Catalog parties are lucrative if you work with your hostess  showing her “how” to gather orders through sharing catalogs with friends, and giving her a sales goal so she is encouraged to get maximum hostess credits.   She may gather five $100 orders from 5 friends and now you have another net profit of $125.
  • (You can see how this is adding up for the week)
  • Fundraisers, Trade shows, Vendor events are next on the menu. These events not only help you have more sales, but also increase your customer list with new customers. And the profit you make from sales at these events add up to your weekly goal of $500 in saving $100 a week.
  • Customer Service re-orders.   Your re-order business works when you have a solid follow-up system in place. I recommend you make 5 phone calls (not texts or emails) a day and build loyal customers who love your products and want more.
  • Add value in your V.I.P. Customer Facebook Group. This is your own valuable customer group to market to very strategically giving extraordinary value.  Many of my clients do a special every Friday and their customers look forward to it.

So there you have EIGHT ways to take action to have a goal of $500 in sales every week to save that $100 towards your $1,000 convention goal. If you chose just FIVE from the menu of events (one a day), you would easily hit your goal every week.

But, you guessed it there is one more component you must stick to and that’s being COMMITTED and CONSISTENT every week in planning which events from the menu you’ll choose to hit your $500 in sales.

As Tony Robbins says,If we want to direct our lives,” ( like creating a 10-week saving strategy) “We must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while, that shapes our lives, it’s what we do consistently!”

You can use this 10-week strategy to save EVERY WEEK! It’s a powerful way to use your Direct Sales Business to make a huge impact on your life and your family.

Are you ready to create a 10-week savings strategy and save $100 a week for the next 10 weeks?

What will you do with the $1000 you save?

Want more support on this, contact me at for a strategic 30 minute complimentary coaching session and let’s plan your 10-week program using the Menu of events!