A workspace to inspire you to create

Do you have a love or hate relationship with your workspace? For me, I love getting up in the morning, walking into my office, and sitting down at my desk checking my planner and to-do list.  This is one of my 10 Tiny Habits that keep me organized.  My workspace isn’t perfect, but it’s designed for ME!  I created it to inspire me and enhance my productivity and motivation. Most importantly, I want to feel organized and ready to start my day.

Creating an inspiring workspace is crucial for entrepreneurs working from home. Your workspace should be a personalized space that helps you function at your best, ultimately aiding in running a successful business.

As home-based entrepreneurs, we love working for ourselves!

We are happy to have no one keeping a time clock or pushing us to a deadline. We’re goal-oriented people who focus on what’s important and needs to get done every day, every week, every month.


One question I ask in my YouTube series, “Expert Tips for Success from Entrepreneurs,” is: “What are your best tips for creating an effective workspace? How do you set up your home office for maximum productivity?” One of my interviewees, Tonya Kubo, shared how she handles her workspace for maximum productivity, even setting it up to handle her kids’ interruptions. It’s quite unique.

Check out Tonya’s interview.

 Ideas for creating a positive environment that fosters creativity and efficiency.

2024 PlannerHAVE AN ORGANIZED DESK:  Your desk is your personal space where you spend most of your time, so comfort is key. I like to have the things I need at my fingertips, or as my latest interviewee Terry Loving shares, “Having things within hand’s reach.” The important things on my desk are:

  • My Physical Planner: This sits on my desk and doesn’t move. It follows my “Purposeful Planner System,” designed to help create meaningful goals with a clear and focused plan and a decisive task list to follow for purposeful action.
  • My ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL: This travels with me wherever I go. It’s my go-to for writing important notes and keeping checklists. At the end of each day, I check off completed tasks and transfer the rest to the next day’s list.
  • Essentials I Use Every Day: Specific pens (G-2(10) Pilot Gel pens, Micron 08 pens, and Tombow Brush Markers), files, stapler, post-it notes, and more. These are always at my fingertips. They are all available on Amazon.
  • Caddies and Desktop Organizers: These help keep my workspace uncluttered. Using organizers, trays, and holders maintains a clutter-free desk.

At the end of the day, everything has its place so my workspace is fresh and clean for the next day.

What do you need at your fingertips to help you work effectively and productively?

ADDING GREENERY: spruce up your office with greenery

I love a touch of nature in my office! Live plants improve air quality and reduce stress. I position these plants to maximize my office space and create a calming environment. You can see these plants in my YouTube videos. I’m also a rose gardener, so I cut one or two roses to enjoy in my office and share on my Instagram story feed. Let’s connect on Instagram, and you’ll see this week’s roses.

What are your favorite plants that add to your home office workspace

Enjoy good light in  your office ILLUMINATE YOUR WORKSPACE:  Good lighting is essential for productivity and mood. I have good overhead lighting and a desk lamp that enhances my space and décor. My desk is positioned to take advantage of two big windows that pour natural light into my office. Facing the light helps give my videos a natural look, and if it’s a grey day, I use my strobe light to maximize brightness.

How can you illuminate your workspace to your advantage?


THE PERSONAL TOUCH!  Adding personal items like photos, artwork, or favorite quotes without overwhelming your workspace is a great way to reflect your personality. My quotes “Be Inspired” and “Dwell in Possibility” by Emily Dickinson sit in my bookcase, along with my collection of Lladro figurines earned in my leadership days. These small personal touches inspire and motivate me to keep going and focus on what matters most. A special photo of my husband when he sailed around the world sits on my desk as a reminder of days past, and a crystal hanging from my lamp sparkles when I need it most.

What personal touches do you need in your workspace to keep you inspired and motivated?

THE AROMA AND SOUNDS IN YOUR OFFICE.:  Some people benefit from background music to enhance concentration, while others like to use essential oils or candles to create a pleasant atmosphere. It’s a matter of doing what makes you happy. Remember, you spend most of your day in this space, so make it “your” space.

What’s your favorite background music?

Functionality is key. I have two desks meeting in the middle where I work on my computer with my planner on the right and my working files on the left. Creating a workspace that’s efficient and comfortable is important.

Are you happy with your desk position?  Would you change it?

THE OFFICE CHAIR! The glorious chair where you sit and ponder. I like a chair without armrests, fairly high, with my feet resting on a wooden one-inch step stool. The key is to ensure you’re comfortable yet maintain good posture that doesn’t strain your body.

What is the most ergonomic chair that works for you?

CREATE YOUR OWN WORKSPACE THAT IS FUNCTIONAL, PERSONALIZED & COMFORTABLE:   Creating an inspiring workspace is all about making it functional, personalized, and comfortable. By implementing these ideas, you can transform your home office into a place that boosts your productivity and keeps you motivated throughout the day.

Comment below on what makes you feel inspired and motivated in your home office workspace.