A summer action plan is one of the best ways to earn a trip of a lifetime
It’s Day 27 time to write in your Summer Action Plan workbook the SIX important steps to achieving your upcoming company trip incentive.
Download your 30-day Summer Action Plan WORKBOOK here!
How many people have a boss who says, “If you do your job and sell and recruit over the next few months, I’ll give you and your partner a first class trip to Tahiti. We’ll spend three nights on the island of Moorea in your own hut over the water. Then we’ll sail through all the islands on the gorgeous yacht, Paul Gaugin, with a butler and first class cabin. Every night I’ll treat you to dinner with wine and the best food. Each day we’ll have adventures like driving to the top of Bora Bora, snorkeling on Taha and exploring a vanilla plantation. Your job is to sell, recruit and grow a team and I will support and encourage you all the way. And when you earn this fantastic trip, we’ll elevate you to a Leader position and you’ll earn more rewards to increase your income!”
This was ONE of the many trips I earned in my business. These are the great benefits of being in Direct Sales. Your company wants you to succeed by offering these incredible, amazing rewards. All you have to do is plan, focus and execute the plan. If you develop the W.I.T.A. (Whatever it Takes Approach) in your business you can easily earn your company trip incentive.
Here are 10 rules I recommend to follow with great diligence!
- Set your intention and plan. Figure the amount of sales needed and the number of recruits needed to win the trip. Set your intention and commit to selling and recruiting requirements is the first step.
- Visualize Create a vision board in your office with pictures of your destination. Visualizing is part of manifesting your dreams and goals.
- A calendar full of bookings. Bookings don’t fall out of the sky, it takes
dedication to fill your calendar. Focus on booking bids at parties and fill in the gaps with creative bookings. If you have a full calendar of 10 parties every month, and there is an average of 6-8 people at every party, you have the opportunity to share with 150 people. Be committed to holding 10 parties every month and tracking your business using the DIRECT SALES PLANNER! Use the code DSP10 to get your June discount.
- See the People Look and listen! Who are you looking for? What kind of person do you want on your team? Make a list of qualities and character traits of your ideal recruit in the section in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER ! Once you know who you’re looking for, you will see your next prospect. Listen at your parties! When you listen, your next recruit will be revealed to you.
Become an expert at interviewing Build friendships over coffee sharing your opportunity. Become an expert interviewer. Study your compensation plan and listen to what women want at every interview.
- Create a sense of urgency in your business. Top winners in every company are successful because of one thing. They execute with a sense of urgency. They don’t say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Take 100% responsibility approach to your business and you will easily earn your company incentive.
You have been given a big BONUS from your company. All you have to do is implement and execute and you’ll be packing your bags and on your way.
And earn this fabulous bonus you are offered for FREE!
Want a way to track your progress and earn your company trip? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session. Email mymentorbiz@gmail.com today!
Are you a winner? Have you earned one or more company incentive trips? Share your experience on my Facebook page or instagram
Don’t forget to comment below how these daily blogs are helping you stay focused with your business over the summer.
We will focus on expanding your professional development tomorrow!