New Recruits are anxious to start their NEW business with their first LAUNCH parties. They are full of enthusiasm and want to know how to hold successful parties and make money. Your job as her sponsor is to help her SKYROCKET her business with a SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH PARTY. Launch parties are like a grand opening of her business.
To insure a successful start, I suggest a new consultant schedules TWO Launch parties in her first 30 days of starting her business! I recommend they schedule
- one on a WEEK day night, and
- one on a WEEKEND day.
The value of two launch parties is it gives her guests an option to attend ONE date that works for them. When she has two launch parties, she usually gets 3 or more confirmed people to each event. This helps the new consultant hit a sales goal of $500 plus in her first 30 days. The added value is practicing her party demonstration twice, back-to-back, so she becomes confident in sharing her products in front of friends and family.
There are ten important elements to help your new recruit have a successful launch party! Here are the top three.
#1 Help her with “WHO” TO INVITE! As we all do when starting a new Direct Sales Business, you ask your new consultant to make a list of 50-100 people she knows who would love the product line. Sometimes, I offered a memory jogger or used the F.R.A.N.K. acronym. The F.R.A.N.K. stands for Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors and Kid connections (if she’s a Mom.)
Take time to help her make this list. I call this a LIVING LIST, because it’s a list that keeps on growing and eventually turns into a customer list. Give her some ideas like who does she know who
- loves your type of products, or
- who is interested in learning about your product line.
- who is looking for a solution with your type of products.
- Who does she know who shops A LOT for your type of products.
This will help her come up with a list of qualified people she feels comfortable approaching to share her new business.
#2 Next, Help her with the “HOW” TO INVITE. There are a number of ways to invite people to a launch party. Here are my suggestions..
- Create an “Event” on Facebook. Review some posts ideas to share in the event. Invite friends who live nearby and are her Facebook friends. These are one-to-one invites, no mass messaging.
- An optional idea would be, to send out “evites” via an online evite service. However, she would have to have the emails of the people to invite.
- I believe making phone calls is the BEST WAY to invite people to launch parties. THE PHONE IS THE PERSONAL TOUCH – THAT CAN’T BE IGNORED. If they want people to attend their party, making a personal phone call will not only help her have confirmed guests, it will also help her have higher attendance. The reason a personal phone call is much more effective is because they hear the excitement in her voice about why she’s in love with the products and her new business. This enthusiasm spills over
and her friends will be interested and want to know more.
#3 Share a Script with your new recruit on what to say. Sharing a success script to follow when making these personal phone calls is how to have a higher rate of successful launch parties with every team member. Here’s an example of a script.
Hi Suzie, do you have a quick minute? How are things going? (add something personal between the two of them.)
Suzie, the reason I’m calling, I am so excited about a new business I’ve started with (Company name.) Have you heard of it? It’s an amazing line of (describe product) that I absolutely love and I thought of you! I really value your opinion and would love you to try the products and see what you think! I have scheduled two Grand Openings where we will (describe what you will do at the party.) We are going to have lots of fun! You’ll also have the opportunity to hear how you can earn some products for FREE as a hostess.
Suzie, My Grand Opening dates are Sat May 6th @ 11.00 am or Thurs the 10th @7pm, which one would work best for you? Great! Bring a friend or two, I have a gifts for everyone.
When she offers TWO dates, it gives the guests a chance to make a decision on whether a evening party or a weekend day party would work best for them. Most people want to help their friend launch their new business, but many are busy with life and when the two dates are offered, it gives them a chance to respond with a yes to ONE of them.
Role model the script with your new recruit a few times so she gets comfortable in making these phone calls. Have her check the EVENT on Facebook to see if people have confirmed they are going, and send a reminder text or email the night before each launch party!
As a leader, make it your TEAM MANTRA to help new recruits hold successful launch parties. In the CALENDAR CLUB TEAM Booking system, we add every new consultant’s launch parties on the TEAM CALENDAR. Then they get recognized again in the weekly team newsletter. Then, again, we mention it in the team Facebook group and lastly, I recommend sending a special note in the mail to congratulate her on getting her business started with a strong beginning with the success of her LAUNCH PARTIES!
When you put this system in place, you’ll find your new consultants have success in getting $500 plus in their first launch parties. You’ll coach them on successfully getting two or more future bookings from these two launch parties, and maybe even finding someone to join them in the business!
Double launch parties in the first 30 days truly sets a new recruit up for a strong success beginning their new business. As well as earning their first 30 day Fast Start rewards!
This is an important part of recruiting a strong and successful team and having specific systems in place. It’s all available when you implement the CALENDAR CLUB TEAM Booking system with your team. Check it out here.
Which element above, in helping your new recruit hold her first launch party, is missing for you?