Welcome to a new month, Entrepreneurs! We are all passionate about our business, but success requires careful planning and being intentional to growing a profitable business. As entrepreneurs, we have a lot to plan every month. From setting goals, to prioritizing tasks and ensuring we are focused on generating revenue.
As a professional business person and to ensure your business flourishes, I have 10 actionable steps for your best month ever. If you’re ready to achieve your best month ever, grab a notebook and let’s establish the first five!
#1 Clarify your Goals for success! Writing down your monthly goals is paramount to having a successful month! My purposeful planner system dedicates an entire page to this crucial task. By documenting your goal on this page ,
- You know the goal you want to achieve
- You outline key actions
- You prioritize important tasks,
- You note essential connections and events,
- You establish a social media content theme,
- And, set a revenue goal.
This becomes your road map for success. When you are consistent following the prompts on the MONTHLY GOALS page, you create a monthly habit for success and get the results you want to achieve your best month. Entrepreneurs, learn how to write down your goals in my 90-day Goal Playbook.
#2 Master your Numbers to Exceed them. Understanding your business numbers empowers you to surpass them. Knowing your numbers.
- helps you track sales goals
- helps you plan for profitability
- helps you monitor KPI’s and other stats.
- helps you strategize to increase your revenue
- helps you know how to beat your best month ever.
I encourage you to dive into the details each month to beat your best month ever. Bottom line, the more you pay attention to your numbers, the more those numbers are going to increase and expand
Master your numbers and watch your success grow.
#3 Commit to Taking Action. Commitment is the catalyst for decision-making and action. !one of my mentors says,
When you make a decision, the way will show up!
What she means when you make a decision, something shifts, something happens that forces you to take action. As entrepreneurs, we have to avoid self doubt, resist inner obstacles, and commit to the necessary actions for success. We “say” we want something, but when the rubber meets the road and its time to take action, and we don’t, it’s because we are not willing to take the steps to do the work that creates a result, and those excuses become an escape route.
Be aware entrepreneurs! Excuses are roadblocks! Dedication propels you toward your best month ever.
#4 Purposefully plan with Precision. Effective planning is intentional, not accidental. My Purposeful Planner System
ensure nothing falls through the cracks. With a stationary physical planner on your desk and a synced system using tools like Google calendar , a one-notebook system and a weekly notepad, purposeful planning becomes seamless.
My planner is always open to the right day, the right week, the right month! All I do is add my weekly goals, my tasks, my appointments, my events but it sits on my desk and never moves.
EXPLORE the 2024 PURPOSEFUL PLANNER SYSTEM for a game-changing approach to your days, weeks and months. It comes with a LOOK BOOK and a Planner Hub that helps stay organized and allows you to show up every day and know exactly what needs to be done.
#5 Transform your habits & routines. I challenge you to do a TIME AUDIT of your schedule and determine exactly what you do every day, every week, every month that serves you best. For me, I have three routines and two habits that keep me organized so I don’t go into overwhelm. I teach these routines to my coaching client.
- First, you learn my time blocking system exercise that’s part of the Sunday planning routine.
- Then, I show you how to keep on top of your tasks every day which helps you focus on things like a social media content routine, weekly conversations and a follow-up sheet to complete every week
- I have morning and evening habits that keep me organized every day.
When you complete a TIME AUDIT of your schedule, you’ll recognize what tasks turn into a habit and/or a routine.
These habits and routines are the secret sauce to achieve your best month ever!
Download my free: TIME AUDIT
Okay, my friends, now that you have the key tips to kickstart your best month ever, it’s time to turn your knowledge into action! Take a moment to recap:
- Get Clear with your Goals.
- Master your numbers to exceed them.
- Commit to Action
- Purposefully Plan
- Transform Habits
Achieving your best month sets the stage for increased sales, expanded networks and attracting more leads and customers. Reflect on there tips and stay tuned for the next blog post revealing the next five tips for your entrepreneural success journey.
Let’s make this month your BEST ONE YET!
Follow me on Instagramand share with me your BEST MONTH YET!