I don’t know about you, but I’m so excited about 2013.  Yesterday, I saw the movie “Les Miserables.”   It’s a wonderful musical based on the novel by Victor Hugo and is an epic tale of redemption based around the French Revolution.  The acting and music was superb.  Hugh Jackman, the main actor, said in an interview that because of technology they were able to film them actually singing in real time.  Usually they sing in a studio and when they act they’re miming their voices.  This is how exciting technology and innovation is taking us into 2013.

I’ve been doing a lot of writing and thinking and preparing for the New Year with my coaching clients and my own business.  It’s that time of year when you ask yourself lots of questions because it’s the answers that reflect the action you take for the rest of the year.

One question I want you to ask yourself right now in the New Year is…

How will you GO BIG in 2013? 

All my readings and learning tell me we are living in one of the biggest shifts of our time.  There has never been a time when there are so many opportunities available to us.  Some people are shaken by our economy and don’t know what to do, but there are positive thinking people who believe the window of opportunity is open wide.  Are you one of these people?

I believe this window of opportunity is open for those who believe it, are ready to receive it and take fast action to grasp it.  The time is now!

However, I do believe there is ONE THING that stops all of us in our tracks and you’ve heard me coach on this, train on this and talk about it all the time.  This ONE THING is what stops everyone from taking an opportunity when it’s handed to them every time.

This one thing is EXCUSES!   It’s “NO MORE EXCUSES” time if you want to become the leader you want to be.  You have to decide to adopt the W.I.T.A. to make a BIG LEAP FORWARD!

The W.I.T.A. is the “Whatever it Takes Approach” to running your direct sales business.  It’s being alert to those thoughts and excuses that stop us taking action.  You know what I’m talking about…   We talk ourselves out of making those phone calls, or attending networking events, or company training and even missing our team meeting!  It’s these actions that stop us dead in our tracks.  That’s when we blame someone, or shame ourselves in not doing something or justify why we didn’t do it!

When you are “alert” to your excuses and develop the W.I.T.A in your business, you will see a shift in your business.     

I have been feeling this shift all year working with my private coaching clients.  They are ready to LEAP FORWARD.  They are using my

It’s “no more excuses” time if you want to GO BIG!

I created my 2013 products and programs for those of you who want to GO BIG in 2013!  If you’re not getting my FREE ezine and announcements, sign  up now and download my SPECIAL REPORT called

“7 Ways to Maximize your Income in Direct Sales.”  GET IT HERE!


I want to help you MAKE THE SHIFT and have your best year yet in your direct sales business in 2013!

Comment below how you will GO BIG in 2013!  Share it with others!