Entrepreneurs need to know shoppers habits

The holiday season is here and for entrepreneurs it’s paying attention to the three categories of shopper patterns that will help increase your sales.   Understanding your customers’ buying habits can make all the difference in maximizing your revenue. I coach my entrepreneur clients to pay attention to these shopping patterns to increase sales month by month.

  • October shoppers are those highly organized who plan ahead.
  • November shoppers wanna-be like October shoppers, and catch up to become organized.
  • December shoppers are those last-minute people rushing to complete their holiday gift list!

Each group has different needs, motivations, and emotional triggers, and as an entrepreneur, knowing how to connect with them is key to boosting your sales. Here’s how I break it down:

#1 The October Holiday Shoppers: They are highly organized, and love to make lists. They’ve been thinking about the holiday season since summer ended. They definitely prefer to avoid the stress of last-minute shopping and are ready to buy for their family & friends lists in October. Their motivation is rooted in a desire for peace of mind – they like time to enjoy the holidays without the rush.

How They Shop.  October shoppers are deliberate, budget-conscious, and love planning ahead. They’re drawn to early sales, discounts, and special pre-season promotions. They want to know they’re getting the best deals, and they’re likely already comparing prices, reading reviews, and making final decisions.

How to Market to Them:  They love the idea of having everything ready ahead of time.  They have their lists and set their budgets and are eager to start their holiday shopping without the rush. 

  • Start your holiday promotions early in October, focusing on limited-time offers and exclusive discounts.
  • Use language that appeals to their sense of organization.  Like, “Get your shopping done early and stress-free!” or “Plan ahead for the perfect holiday gifts.”
  • Offer bundles deals or early-bird promotions to make them feel rewarded for shopping early.
  • Remind them that by shopping now, they can avoid the holiday rush and relax when December comes.

Help October shoppers with listsHow to plan for October shoppers using the Purposeful Planner System: Set your goals for the months ahead, and prioritize each promotion and schedule all the steps in your planner.  Use the Sunday Planning exercise to get clear with your emails and social media content as you launch each sale.  In your content show them how you can help them achieve that sense of accomplishment. Use messaging that validates their proactive approach, such as “Smart shoppers start early.”

#2 The November Holiday Shoppers:  These shoppers have the best intentions—they want to be organized like the October group but just can’t find the time to start shopping early. By November, they realize time is ticking, and they get serious about their holiday to-do lists. They’re balancing their busy schedules with the pressure of getting everything done in time.

How They Shop: November shoppers are a bit more rushed but still want to feel organized. They’re looking for convenience, variety, and solid deals. They’re likely to take advantage of promotions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, where deals are abundant and accessible.

How to Market to Them:  Highlight the ease and convenience of shopping with you: “Get your holiday shopping done in one go!”

  • Focus on promotions around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Create excitement with countdowns and exclusive deals for the week.
  • Promote gift guides and “gifts for everyone on your list” messaging to help them feel like they can quickly check everyone off their list.
  • Emphasize free or discounted shipping, especially as the month progresses and deadlines loom.Help November shoppers with their holiday list

How to plan for November shoppers using the Purposeful Planner System: Set clear goals the months of November and December following the monthly planning instructions in the Purposeful Planner Guide workbook.  Prioritize each promotion and schedule all the steps in your planner.  Watch the video on “Revenue Generating Activities” and make a list to follow each week.  Create content that offers them reassurance that they can still find great gifts and deals without the stress of last-minute shopping and schedule your content specifically around each promotion.

#3 The December Holiday Shoppers:  December shoppers are the quintessential last-minute crowd. Whether it’s due to procrastination, indecision, or just an extremely busy lifestyle, these shoppers find themselves scrambling to buy gifts as the holidays rapidly approach. They are driven by urgency and necessity, not by careful planning.

How They Shop: These shoppers need quick, easy, and guaranteed options. They’re often less concerned about the price and more focused on ensuring they have gifts in time for the holidays. They’ll likely prioritize expedited shipping.

How to Market to Them:  Push “last-minute” gift ideas that are available for immediate purchase, such as gift cards or digital downloads.

  • Use messaging like “Still need a gift? We’ve got you covered!” or “It’s not too late to get the perfect gift.”
  • Offer deals on gift-wrapping services or include complimentary wrapping to save them even more time.
  • Use countdowns to shipping deadlines to create urgency and encourage action: “Only 2 days left for guaranteed Christmas delivery!”

Be prepared for December shoppersHow to plan for December shoppers using the Purposeful Planner System:   December shoppers are likely stressed and feeling the pressure of time.  You usually have about 18-20 days to appeal to solve their gift giving.  Use the task list in Purposeful Planner Guide workbook  to insure you don’t miss each day in sending them your promotions. Your messaging should be empathetic and solution-oriented. Highlight how your business can be their last-minute lifesaver with quick and easy solutions.

 Entrepreneurs Prepare Your Business for All Types of Holiday Shoppers

Understanding the unique needs of each shopper type allows you to tailor your marketing strategies and be organized yourself for each shopper’s buying habits.

  • Start early for the October planners,
  • create excitement for the November shoppers, and
  • provide urgent solutions for the December crowd.

Appeal to their emotions, motivations, and behaviors, and you’ll not only boost your holiday sales but also win a loyal customer base that trusts you for future shopping seasons.

Start planning and organizing for these three different holiday shoppers now using the