Here’s the thing about goals.  Some are easy, some are scary, some are really hard, and some even become unattainable. 

I believe if you know how to set the “RIGHT” goals for your business you will get the “RIGHT” results.   What I see mostly is people looking for results from their goals but can’t seem to find them.


When you can’t find the results you’re looking for, it’s usually because you’re feeling overwhelmed.  I call this the D-Syndrome.  This stands for Disorganized, un-Disciplined and Disorderly.   You know what is necessary to work on the goal, but you thoughts think about everything else that needs to get done first like cleaning up papers on desk or finishing a few small tasks first.  With overwhelm there is  no clear direction on how or when to start.

Then, there’s those who struggle to focus.  They know how to start and get over the D-syndrome, but they lack ways to stay on task.  Usually this is a time management issue.  Not allotting specific time to create the right action that aligns with the results of achieving their goal.

A majority of people try to set goals, but have failed in the past, so they are hesitant.   That’s usually because they have not thought out the outcome and don’t know how to set a clear path to achieve their goal with a roadmap or guide to follow.   You won’t want to miss this ROADMAP available for you in my 90-day Goals Playbook.


I have found success in working with my coaching clients with the following SIX CLEAR STEPS that helps them get over overwhelm, find focus and fear of failure.

CLEAR STEP #1 Write down your goals.   I know you hear this over and over, but it really is true.  It is said, when you write down your goals, it sets up a chain of events that can change your life.  There is “explosive” power in writing down your goals because

  • You get extremely CLEAR with what you want to achieve. You know the outcome.
  • When you write it down, you get it out of your head and that frees up room to think about “how” you’ll achieve the goal.
  • It helps you “see” solutions to your goal and it inspires your mind with ideas to get the results you want.

Then there’s the study that I share with all my coaching clients…   


If you truly want to achieve your goals you MUST (not should) write them down.

CLEAR STEP #2  Keep your goals visible.  When you keep your goals visible, you are reminded to stay on track.  There are many ways to keep your goals visible.

  • Some people write it on post it notes in their bathroom, near their computer, on a clipboard.
  • Some people create a whole Vision Board and place it in a strategic place to view it every day.
  • Some like to write it out on a BIG WHITE BOARD. This is one of my favorite ways to keep my goal visible.
  • Tech people, love to create a digital stamp to view on their computer or their phone.

The key is to place your goal in a place where it is visible TO ONLY YOU every day.

CLEAR STEP #3 Set Weekly targets.  When you follow the 90-day Goal Playbook, you learn about setting weekly targets.  These targets are based on breaking down your goals into smaller goals so you feel the movement each week in working towards your goal.

Each week you look at your target and measure the results you’re presently achieving.  

That’s when it becomes very evident, the steps to take every week.

I love to clearly define my tasks every week in my WEEKLY DESKTOP NOTEPAD.  Again, it’s a way to stay focused and know you’re on track to hit your target each week.

Here’s an example of my WEEKLY DESKTOP NOTEPAD. 



CLEAR STEP #4  Prioritize with the Daily 3.  You can see we keep breaking your goal down into chunks of action steps.   It’s these activities that are crucial to you working towards your goal. 

Each day in  your 90-day Goals Playbook you look at your top 12 tasks and prioritize the THREE tasks that will move you forward towards your goal.

The DAILY 3 is a powerful habit because our brain is wired for THREE.  The Number3 is a pattern in everyone’s brain and it reveals a connection in the way we think and associate.      Think of the

  • 3 wise men
  • 3 little pigs
  • 3 strikes you’re out

Prioritizing your DAILY 3 tasks helps you get things done and again find that forward movement towards your goal.

CLEAR STEP #5 Check in with accountability partner.  The power of having an accountability partner where you mutually agree to keep each other on track with your goals and provide feedback for each other brings a new perspective to achieving your goals.

When you decide to hold yourself accountable to another person, you make an intentional decision to let go of negative thoughts that hold you back and accept that you will achieve the results you want.

You set the rules for each other to check in weekly with texts or monthly calls.  Staying in touch regularly is what keeps you on track. It also sets you up for success in achieving your goal with this  and you have someone who will give you feedback to help develop the right frame of mind to achieve your goal.


Book a 30-minute Complimentary Goal session


CLEAR STEP #6  Celebrate WINS.   Celebrating your accomplishments big and small along the way to achieving your goal is key to know what success means to you.   There will be days when you are flying high and feeling success but not every day is like that, so it’s important to know enjoy each small success along the way and celebrate. 

Some people celebrate with a personal reward.  Others celebrate with friends.  These small WINS add up and helps you feel like you understand that all the

  • Consistency
  • Discipline, and
  • Follow through

Are working for you to achieve your goal.


Every week in our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY we celebrate our WINS and cheer each other on. 

I hope these SIX CLEAR steps help you focus on the important steps to achieving your goals.   The keys to achieving your goals is MOTIVATION and when you have a clear path to follow you’ll not only be motivated to continue to your goal, you’ll be inspired and achieve the success you want.





Acc0untability partner – book a call