invest in you 2This morning I was reading an email that reminded me about my first reaction when I thought about hiring a coach. I was working on a formula to earn $40,000 a year from my direct sales business because it was what I needed to pay my bills and keep three children in college. I was focused on maximizing each of the income streams in my compensation plan and it was important I hit my targets every month.

One of my colleagues mentioned she was hiring a coach to help her with her business. I hadn’t even thought about a coach for myself. I knew the potential opportunity to grow in our company, and I felt pretty confident I would get there and so hiring a coach seemed like it was something I just couldn’t afford.

What was more interesting was my attitude. I felt like I could do it myself, and with all the bills that were coming in, I felt like this was one added bill I couldn’t afford to pay. You know how that is when you feel like you’re maxed out and you hope everything stays on track so you can manage the money and not go into further debt.

But, my colleague kept raving about her coach and how much it was making a difference in her business. It was when she won the incentive trip to Paris (and I didn’t) that made me re-think my strategy. So, I inquired.

I made the plunge to at least talk to this coach and find out how much it cost. That was the most important thing on my mind when we had our first complimentary call. On this call I found her to be so friendly and as our conversation moved forward I totally forgot about what it was going to cost me. She asked me questions about my business, my family, my life and I found myself opening up to her warmth and finally at the end of the call she said, “Do you have any questions for me?” This brought me back to reality and of course, I asked the question “How much do you charge?”  I took a big gulp and said, I’d get back to her soon.

I knew if I became part of her coaching program, that it would be an extra financial burden.  However, when I sat down and did the math, it was actually a financial windfall. Here’s why..

  • To pay for my coach meant I had to have an extra $500 in sales every monthFORMULA INVEST IN YOURSELF
  • That meant ONE extra $500 party (3 hours) would cover the cost
  • I made a decision to ADD this extra party to my calendar to pay for her coaching
  • That ONE extra party made the difference in growing my team because it meant I was in front of 8 extra people per month I wouldn’t have met before.
  • That ONE extra party over a three year period when I worked with my coach maximized my personal core team income stream that more than paid for my coach.
  • That three year period in my business grew my team to the million dollar level and a six figure income business.

So, you can see, my “thinking” that coaching was just too expensive and a financial burden kept me from even pondering the notion that I could afford it, or the possibility that it could actually make me money.

Let me ask you a question

Is YOUR “thinking” stopping you from getting the help you need to make money in your business?

If the answer is YES, then re-think and re-read this article and email me immediately at for a 30 minute complimentary coaching call. Let’s find out if we have the right magic together, like my own coach and I had, that will bring you the success you want in growing your business and income.