When was the last time you had a memorable shopping experience with friends? Covid has literally stopped all shopping expeditions. 

  • Shopping with girlfriends in the mall,
  • shopping at home with friends,
  • shopping at specialty boutiques.

And, of course, getting together to have a shopping experience at a Direct Sales Party.

Remember when, you visited a friend’s home and someone handed you a nice sweet beverage.  You were there to learn about some new products and enjoy chatting and meeting people.  The hostess greeted you and passed around some nibbles.  She invited you to catch up with friends, network and meet the shopping expert who would share tips about fashion, or skin care products.  Or maybe it was learning how to cook with beautiful gadgets, or cleaning with no chemicals.  Or perhaps finding a gorgeous piece of jewelry you always wanted, or even the best reading books for your kids.  You learned about the products and got to touch them, test them so you could make an informed decision if you wanted to shop for them.  

It was a unique shopping experience with no pressure.  You welcomed the opportunity to relax and be with friends.  Laugh a little, learn a little and maybe shop a little. 


Today’s shopping experience is mostly online.  How do we replicate that experience where we got together, enjoyed each other’s company and was totally absorbed in learning about some lovely products. 

That’s the enigma of today’s social selling in Direct Sales.   We have to get a little creative to give guests that same experience. 


The party business model hasn’t changed, you can still give your hostess and customers the same experience following my 8 step template which is available in the Direct Sales Planner system.

In this template you follow 8 specific steps to holding a social selling event. Whether it’s online or in someone’s home, it’s the same steps where you have the opportunity to offer this exquisite and unique shopping experience.

  1. You offer customers a way to have a FUN experience with friends!
  2. You offer customers the opportunity to enjoy learning about your products.
  3. You offer your hostess and her friends a memorable experience to shop.

There are so many options to shop online.  Over zoom, through texting, through apps, on Facebook or Instagram.  You have to choose the best platform that works for your hostess and her friends.

Let’s review these 8 steps to offering this fun shopping experience in an online setting.

Step 1.  Work with your Hostess.  One BIG tip working with your hostess online is to create a Google check-in form.  This gives you a ton of information to get to know your guests.   

Step 2.  Get to know guests before party.  Build friendships.   In today’s world you can get creative getting to know your guests.  Use the google form, or create an event on Facebook. Getting to know a little about your guests will make you memorable.

Step 3  Introduce yourself with a powerful intro.  This is a step that many direct sellers tend to slide over.  Your introduction must be so powerful because it sets the tone for the shopping experience. 

Step 4  Make your Product Demo experience remarkable.   This is where you have the opportunity to WOW your guests.  Share your products on zoom or upload informative videos.   Your REMARKABLE product demonstration will set you apart from others

Step 5 Plant those Seeds.   Learn “how” to plant booking and recruiting seeds ONLINE.  You have to learn “where” to plant them and how to deliver them online.

Step 6  Transition time.  This is where you share it’s time to wrap up the party.  Share the important details how to check out with you with your concierge checkout. 

Step 7 Your Concierge Checkout.  This one-on-one private checkout is where you get the sale, ask for the booking and determine who is a prospect for your business.   T 

Step 8  After Party Follow up success.  No party is complete until you’ve done your follow up.  This is where you begin taking your customer on a journey to enjoy your service s she will come back and order agin and again.

You can see the PARTY Business model hasn’t changed, it’s still the basics of helping your hostess and friends have the best memorable shopping experience where they leave your party thinking…  “I had the BEST time with friends and I can’t wait to receive my order.”



This 8-step Party Business Model is available in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER SYSTEM.  You’ll receive your physical paper planner, and get to participate in a Facebook Group of planning people, along with a PLANNER HUB full of tutorials and information on how to set goals, track your business