I love it when a coaching client messages me on Marco Polo wanting help in setting up new routines. She realized when she was having the best success in her business was when she created a special morning routine.
My mother taught me about routines from an early age. After doing some research on my family tree, I’ve realized she learned routines from her mother growing up in the outback of Australia as a housewife in the 50’s. So, I realized that’s why I love routines. It’s in my DNA. When you’re raising kids you automatically set up routines. Kids love structure and when they know what time they need to eat and what time they will have their bath and when it’s time for bed every day, they feel safe and secure and obviously loved.
That’s how we want to feel in our business. We want to know when we have structured time that is automated to work our business so we will feel safe and secure doing what we love.
As Direct Sales Entrepreneurs we are in the business of selling to customers, booking parties, and recruiting team members. When you create a rhythm of routines around these areas of your business, you’ll feel your work flow effortlessly.
There are 5 routines I share with my clients to help them have success with their work flow. More importantly, a work flow where they know they are making money in their business. Once you get into the rhythm of working these routines you’ll find many of the tasks you do begin to run on auto-pilot.
- Selling Routine. A selling routine is all about knowing how to serve your customer. The first routine you want to master is how to check-out at your parties. I recommend a “concierge check-out” routine where you and your customer have a private conversation. When you have a private conversation you’re able to get to know her, serve her needs and make sure you’re selling her products she will love. Imagine your customers contacting you again and again because you served them like a princess after buying their first product from you.
- Booking Routine. The best way to have consistent bookings on your calendar is to follow my calendar confidence booking system. This is a routine where you always have your planner open showing your upcoming open booking dates. In fact, I recommend you always know your next to available booking dates in your head at all times. This system is available to you in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER SYSTEM. This system is custom-designed for Direct Sellers so you always have bookings on your calendar. Want to learn more about having consistent bookings check out my online course here.
Imagine the results of your monthly sales and income when you hold six or more consistent parties every month because you set up this routine!
- Recruiting Routine. Who are the top recruiters on your team or in your company? What do you think makes them a top
recruiter? Yes, you guessed it, they plan and schedule recruiting conversations. I have a saying, “She who shares her opportunity the most wins!” And sharing your opportunity is all about having recruiting conversations. How do you have lots of recruiting conversations? You set up a routine and schedule two hours a week in your planner for recruiting conversations. They’re scheduled, and you make sure you fill those dates with prospect conversations every week!
Imagine recruiting 4 or more people very month to grow your team? It’s this routine, that will give you those results. What would it take to make that happen?
- New Lead Generating Routine. This is one area most direct sellers
either don’t make time for, but it is one of the most important routines to develop so you have new customers coming into your business on a regular basis. One of the routines that brings in the best customers is attending networking events. There are many ONLINE and OFFLINE networking groups and ways to meet new people in today’s world. Find the one that fits in with you and your lifestyle. Find a way to follow up with someone new you meet so you can continue the conversation and build a friendship. For me, that was inviting people to learn more about my products with a weekly showcase. This routine of meeting new leads every week expanded my business in a huge way.
Imagine having 5-10 new customers every week for one whole year. How much would your business grow?
- Follow-up Routine. How do you follow-up with
- your customers?
- your Hostesses?
- your Prospects?
- your New Leads?
- Your Team Members?
It’s a lot of follow-up isn’t it? One of the best routines that kept me in my work flow is my 20 connects a week routine. This routine gives you the opportunity to check in with these 5 people so you don’t find yourself saying.. “It’s been so long since I followed up, I just don’t do it!” This system is laid out for you in the Planner Hub of my DIRECT SALES PLANNER SYSTEM.
Imagine having repeat sales, more bookings and people who are ready to join your team because you have a routine follow-up system in place.
These are the routines that will keep business flowing to you every week!
H A V E A P L A N N I N G R O U T I N E?
The most successful routine of all is to have a PLANNING ROUTINE and that’s what you get with the DIRECT SALES PLANNER SYSTEM. In this system, you’ll learn how to
- A routine to set monthly goals
- Work on a routine to hit targets with a weekly plan
- Operating with routine daily tasks
Let’s get you setting up a SIMPLE WORK FLOW of these routines so your business doesn’t feel like you’re ignoring your family
If you want more information on how to work on these routines, then book a 30 min complimentary coaching session HERE.