It’s nearing the end of 2019 and some recent comments on a post were about how to schedule and get things done. Comments like,
- I have stuff everywhere. I wish I could organize my business in one area.
- I want to find a way to be more intentional in tracking my bookings on my calendar.
- I had moments of quitting because my time management skills are horrible.
- I want to learn how to lead by example and be a top recruiter, manage my team and my own personal business.
I find time management and organization are top challenging areas for entrepreneurs. It’s an oxymoron because, we LOVE managing our own time as an entrepreneur, but at the same time we HATE managing our own time as we think we never have enough time to get it ALL done!
Are you nodding your head and saying, “You are SO right, Gale!”
That’s the very reason I develop systems in my business.
It’s systems and strategies that stops that little voice in your head that says, “there is never enough time!” I developed systems out of necessity when leading a team of 500 team members across the country. Then when I went into the corporate training arena, I shared those systems with thousands more, and now I share these systems with my coaching clients.
When you create systems in your business you create repeatable patterns. And, having repeatable patterns is what keeps me from going crazy! A repeatable pattern becomes a ritual or a daily habit. And SCHEDULING is how I stay on task and the result is, “I get things done!”
Recently, I did a video on how I scheduled my Journey to Leadership coaching program. In this video you’ll notice how I lay out the program using sticky notes and those sticky notes have the specific scheduled times on getting this program launched. This is my sticky note planning system.
Schedule everything in your DIRECT SALES PLANNER.
If you schedule all your follow-up activities each month, you’ll find you always have future business. The art of follow-up is simply making sure you connect with customers, hostesses and prospects on a continual systematic basis.
Here are other ways I recommend scheduling things to get done!
- I recommend scheduling a 2-2-2 system for customers. Two days after the sales to thank them. Two weeks after when they’ve received the product to thank them again and find out how it’s working. Two months after when they’ve experienced using the product to check in again, and maybe offer them the opportunity to hostess with you.
I recommend scheduling a 3-connect Formula for Hostesses. First Connect is all about helping her develop a favorites list and then a guest list. Second connect is to check-in to see how many confirmed guests she has. Third connect is the day before the party with reminders. Of course, in this training there is a lot more detail for each connect, but scheduling these three connects on your calendar helps you have successful parties.
- I recommend scheduling recruiting conversations. When I ask people have they scheduled available times on their calendar for recruiting appointments, I see a deer in the headlights. Hardly ANYONE does this, and they tell me they want to recruit a strong team! Scheduling two recruiting appointments every week was the TOP activity that skyrocketed my business to the top! Check yourself on this one.
- Schedule social media time. I have found this time is absolutely necessary and after much trial and error, I have finally figured exactly the best times to schedule my social media posts, write my blogs, and do my you tube video’s. Scheduling this time has allowed me to keep on top of my business marketing and keep producing more content to serve my clients that helps them grow their business.
- Schedule Sunday Night Planning. If coaching clients
want to work with me, this is the number one habit I ask them to create! When they begin this ritual, I get many people who thank me because it keeps them out of overwhelm.
And overwhelm is another big challenge and is a BIG WHY my coaching clients come to me for help. It’s these recommendations that helps them work on a success path I build for them to get to the next leadership level in their business.
Are you ready to start scheduling?
Are you ready to get things done?
Start scheduling as soon as possible.
- Schedule your next monthly booking calendar
- Get your recruiting appointments scheduled every week.
- Focus on scheduling social media at least two weeks in advance
- Most of all, schedule a weekly appointment every Sunday to plan out your next week.
One of my clients got rid of THREE calendars to use ONE planner (The Direct Sales Planner )for all her parties and appointments. She implemented the “Calendar Confidence” system and reached her goal of being the number one in sales for her company and broke company records and monthly and yearly sales.
Want more tips on scheduling and staying out of overwhelm, message me at my and SCHEDULE your 30 minute complimentary SUCCESS PLAN session.
Remember, “What gets Scheduled, gets done!”
Excellent essay. I find that if I fail to plan on Sunday night, I pay a price. For example, I know that this coming Sunday evening we will have guests over to initiate Larry’s new Weber Grill. LOL So, my Sunday night Scheduling will take place Sunday morning. I have cleared the decks… My planning morning is scheduled.