The phone rang last night as I was preparing our dinner and it was my #2 daughter. The excitement in her voice brought back that thrill I had felt years ago when her words came ringing through the phone…

“Mum, I got my first brand partner!”

It’s a special time in your Direct Sales journey when you sign up your first recruit.

“Tell me about her,” I said to my daughter.  She replied

  • She is passionate about our products.
  • She knows how to use them.
  • She “gets” direct sales
  • She and I are like minded people
  • She appreciates people like I do
  • She is a positive and happy person
  • She hangs out with people who love our products
  • She has goals and dreams
  • She wants to make money in her business

What she was actually doing was sharing with me a complete description of her IDEAL PRIME PROSPECT!

“You nailed it!”  I said, she is your IDEAL Prime Prospect!

Recruiting is a quest in finding that person who wants to join you in your journey in growing a direct sales business. In that journey, you want someone who is open to self improvement, someone who enjoys learning, someone who wants to make money and most important someone who supports others along the way.

It’s so important to be very clear about who “your” IDEAL prime prospect is for your business. When you have clarity and know exactly who you’re looking for, guess what, they will appear right before you!

In our L.E.A.P. Group coaching program we work on identifying our IDEAL prime prospects every day.   You learn how to have conversations that alert  you to identifying your IDEAL prime prospect.   You hear these triggers at your parties, at your networking events, and become so familiar with them you able to spot your IDEAL prime Prospect every time.

I also show you how to create a Facebook Prime Prospect group for people who are thinking about joining. You learn the ONE QUESTION to ask a prospect that reveals if she is a definite candidate for this group.  This is a fun group of people who give you their permission to join, and in that group you share information about how you run a direct sales business. Your team members share success stories, so the prime prospect gets a clear view of what it’s like to be part of a successful team. This speeds up their decision to join.

To find your IDEAL Prime prospect you have to be vigilant about taking consistent action every day to talk to people, meet people and serve people with your products and opportunity. It’s about sharing your story and building relationships to find that IDEAL person who has the special traits you’re looking for in a coffee chat conversation.

Most important in finding your IDEAL Prime prospect is to have a strong FOLLOW-UP system. When you follow-up with everyone you meet you get to know people and you find out if they are passionate about your type of products and are happy, like minded people.   You are so clear about your AVATAR and know who this person is, that when they appear you will be so excited and thrilled, (like my daughter) every time you sign up your next team member.

My call to action for you today is to GET INTO ACTION in 2017 and be extremely clear with your IDEAL prime prospect. Then take a look at joining us in our L.E.A.P. Coaching group where I’ll take you through exercises and steps to creating a special recruiting process that will excite you to grow your team on the fast track and build a solid and profitable direct sales business. You’ll learn the ONE VALUABLE step to making the money you want in this program.

Need more info on your IDEAL Prime prospect? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session by emailing me at IMMEDIATELY!