The summer slowdown is about to happen. You’re going to find team members and even yourself falling victim to FINDING time each day to build your business and grow your team.
The word “HACK” has become a buzz word lately. When I looked it up on wikipaedia, it said it’s a “trick, shortcut, skill or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency.”
I want to share THREE important Summer Hacks with you to help you increase your productivity and efficiency! Today is HACK #1 (Hack #2 and Hack #3 will be revealed in next weeks blogs posts)
Summer Hack #1
Focus on High Party Sales to Increase your Income
Let’s talk about a routine and Summer Business Hours! I encourage you to work your OWN Summer hours. Fifteen hours with 1 party a week will get you through the summer with amazing momentum. In my L.E.A.P. GROUP Coaching program, I work very closely in helping leaders work with their team members on a “15 hour-1 party a week routine.” One party a week consistently can grow your momentum over the summer months.
Most team members are holding FUN THEME PARTIES over the next three months! The ultimate word is FUN! I encourage you to focus on the following FUN actions to help you hit the $1,000 sales mark every week and increase your income!
#1 FUN with Hostess Coaching . There is no better time to build that strong relationship with your hostess around a THEME party! Let’s say you’re having a Margarita theme party! Build the FUN with your hostess on inviting her guests to learn about your products over some very cool Margarita’s! Get her guest list full of friends who love your type of products and love to have fun and party over Margaritas. When your hostess conveys this fun to her friends they won’t want to miss the party, especially if you’re sharing a very special Margarita recipe. However there will be guests who can’t attend, so give your hostess a special GIFT if she collects $300 in outside orders! (you’re on you way to the $1000 Party sales goal.)
#2 FUN opening at the party. To begin the FUN at the party – hand each guest a margarita as she comes through the door! Everyone is now having fun IMMEDIATELY, so now transition and get everyone situated so you can share a quick and powerful introduction to the FUN party event. Share your powerful story about why you joined your company and how much fun you’re having and how your business makes a difference in your life and family. This FUN opening will get their attention and is a big seed planter for those interested in a fun business opportunity.
#3 FUN time sharing your WOW Demonstration. Gather everyone around to try and sample your products and create lots of interaction with the guests! This is the FUN part! This is how you WOW your guests!
- Work on selling “sets” or “bundles” of your products – share the value
- Share your (highest sales) product that everyone loves and why
- Show how your products solves a problem that everyone wants to know.
Your increasing sales sharing this VALUE with guests. The key is to get everyone sampling, interacting, so ask specific questions that make people pay attention to what they are learning about your products. At the end of your presentation – share your very special “Margarita Recipe” and do a drawing for someone who guesses the main ingredient.
#4 FUN relationship building at checkout. This is the kicker to having HIGH SALES at your party! Make sure your check-out table is away from the other guests so you can have an intimate conversation with each guest, and get to know them better. Use the wish list to compliment the guest on her choices and suggest an “add-on” product that might go with the order. (Increasing sales) Many times guests will say ‘no thank you’ but the amount of people who take you up on that add-on makes the difference in your party sales. Ask the guest if she’d like to be added to your VIP Customer group on Facebook and receive your newsletter tips.
#5 FUN follow-up after the party. Thank everyone for ordering by sending a special postcard the NEXT day (not a week later) in the mail. The post card says “Thank you for your order (Suzie). It was great to meet you! I’ll be in touch when you receive your products.”
What do you think your guests will remember most from your parties?
- Definitely the FUN of being with their friends.
- Definitely the FUN experience with you sharing your products
- Definitely the FUN shopping that is like no other!
When you offer FUN at your summer parties, your hostess and her guests will love being with each other sipping margaritas and sampling your products and it’s this FUN that will help you have $1,000 party sales!
What I want you to remember most of all is you have a FABULOUS Business and you have committed to growing your business and growing your team. That’s why 15 hours – 1 party a week routine ofer the summer is important to keep your momentum going.
Adjust your business to YOUR summer biz hours around your busy kids schedules and life and focus on having FUN at every party each week, and use these tips to help you focus on having $1,000 party sales every time.
If you’re ready to make A SHIFT in your biz this summer, then gather up your team members and register for my FREE WEBINAR where you’ll learn
- Proven booking methods that my coaching clients use to sell $3,000+
every month of the year!
- Specific Hostess questions that get the “right” attendance at parties!
- One system that insures you get TWO bookings from every party!
- A conversion tool that creates bookings every week!
- A booking strategy that builds confidence in asking for the bookings!
- ONE STRATEGY that keeps your calendar full of bookings all year round
This Webinar is for leaders and up to 10 team members! Working together on team work and team building. The dates are June 27 and June 29, 2017
Here’s the link to register here AND GET MORE INFORMATION