women at conference 2 It’s CONVENTION TIME!   Are you ready? Imagine yourself at convention.

You’re having fun with your friends and team members. You’re sitting in the front row in a workshop listening to a great speaker and get so excited about “One” idea that will skyrocket your success. You can’t wait to get home and implement it in your direct sales business.

The company unveils the new season product line with great fanfare. You’re learning how they feel, the touch of them and the new smells. Your mind is racing, thinking about customers and hostesses who will just LOVE these new products. In fact, a prospect immediately comes to mind who you know will now join your team because these are the products she’ll love.

Picture yourself walking across the stage on awards night. How do you feel? Are you nervous, excited, confident, grateful? Maybe you’re not receiving an award but you are so delighted to see other members on your team up on stage and you celebrate their success because you are party of a dynamic team that supports and encourages each other. This is your tribe!

They release a video of a Caribbean cruise for two. Or perhaps they roll out a Mercedes or Lexus car onto the stage with your name on it. You’re thinking, “how many companies offer their people these kinds of rewards?” (Now, you have goosebumps.)

And what about the dancing? Oh, the dancing! How much fun you have dancing, laughing ant having late night feasts in friends’ rooms.

Do you have this picture in your mind? Good. Now, write down the answer to these three questions.

#1 What is the best thing you love about convention?
#2 What is the ONE thing you want to learn at convention?
#3 What do you want to bring home from convention?

NOW, you have your “INTENTION” for convention.  Write it on a 3×5 card and look at it before a workshop, when you get up in the morning, before your awards banquet.  When you arrive at convention with a true clear intention you are on the path to having your best convention experience ever!

I believe convention is the place where million dollar teams are born. It’s the place where you get the “BIG” picture of what could be, would be, and should be if you really, really want to build a successful direct sales business.

That’s why I’ve written a special report called “Team Building at Convention.” Whether you’re a leader attending your twentieth convention or a consultant attending your first convention, my goal in this special report is to help you understand that convention is where you understand the enormous opportunity that awaits you as a direct seller in building a six-figure income business.

In this report, I share with you
• How to prepare for convention
• What to DO at convention
• How to take ACTION after convention
and have your best CONVENTION experience ever!

Convention is a place of learning, positivity, fun and friendship. This is how we make a difference in this industry. Learning, sharing and role modeling a successful entrepreneur.team building at convention

My gift to you today is a copy of this special report! Get it here. It’s FREE!


Leave a comment below about the best thing you love about attending your convention. And may you have your best convention experience EVER!